Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Happy New Year! Bonne annee!

Welcome back everyone to a new year. I hope that your holidays were filled with the magic of Christmas and your friends and family filled your homes with laughter and love! I had a fabulous time at home in PEI with my dad and all my friends. It was hard to come back to the rush of Calgary but I was glad to get back to the kids! I missed them!
This is a slow and quiet week at school! We will review our class rules, seeing that sometimes having a two week break makes us forget how things run. In French, we will review all sound combinations that we learned before the break and will go over our sight words. Please review these with your child. I will start asking them again to read their sight words for me. If they need motivation remind them that they can get a prize after reading 5 weeks worth of words correctly! We have started our weekly messages in class. This is great practice for the students to learn sentence structures, new words, punction and how to answer questions about the text. Less English will be spoken in class and students will be expected to express themselves as best they can by using the words they know in French. This months theme in Staying warm and active in winter. Students will learn the proper vocabulary for clothing and winter activities and sports. When learning clothing the students will also review parts of the body. We will also be learning more about syllables and how to put a proper sentence together with correct punctuation.
In Math, students have started their addition and subtraction unit. They will be playing with blocks to find all the different number combinations for numbers up to 20. We have also briefly talked about how to identify if a problem is addition or subtraction by looking for key words. Feel free to practice and review these words/concepts in English.
In Science, I hope to finish up the 5 senses unit next week and then move onto building. Students will be required to write a quiz to identify what sense is being used in the pictures.
In Social Studies, the students are learning about their rights and responsibilities. We have had a quick chat about what they are at home, school and our community.
In Health, the students will be starting to learn about the 4 food groups and the Canadian food guide. We will talk about why it is important to eat from each group and so on.
In English, students will be review all sight words since the beginning of the year. We will also start to learn about blends and word families.
That's a quick run down on what to expect this month in class. I hope you are starting to see progress with your childs reading at home and word recognition. If you need anything at all just let me know.
Have a great week!

PS I don't know if I mentioned how many turkeys we got this year seeing that Friday was soo busy! The students raised just over $1300.00 and were able to buy 112 turkeys. That is the biggest number yet. Thank you all who helped out, donated and encouraged your children. Last year the Drop In was able to feed their clients 3 separate times with our donation of 74 turkeys I can only hope that 112 gets them a couple of more great meals! Thanks again:)

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