Monday, January 11, 2016

HI Everyone,
Hope you all had a great week end! Another calm week at school....which is soo nice to have for a change. We do have our New Year Liturgy this Friday at 2pm. Our class is doing it along with Mme Janice's class. You are all welcome to join us. We are going to sing a song called "Growing in Fath, Growing in Christ" I will send it home today to practice.
Scholastics are due this week also. I believe I put the 14th on the list. If you could send them in by Friday that would be great.
We also have our Smothie party on Thursday Jan 14. Thanks for sending in all your order forms.
Choir is Tuesday and Thursday of this week at little recess. Library day is Thursday as well.
Friday is Sandwich day for the drop in. If you wish to participate send in pre-made sandwhichs any kinds Friday morning.
In class, I have started my reading evaluations, they are coming along well. I have also started to quiz the students on their sight words. Please keep practicing at home! I will go over the English words probably next week.
The 100th day of school is coming up in the next couple of weeks. Just wondering if anyone is interested in coming in on that day and doing an activity of your choice? Last year I have a parent make 100 day cookie and brought a couple of games to play. If you are up for it let me know.
I don't have much this week.
Enjoy the week everyone.

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