Monday, October 3, 2016

Hello Fall!

Happy Fall everyone!
I love this time of the year, the smells, the colors and the crisp air....however I find here winter comes a little too fast after all that October goodness.
We have a short week this week and next. There is no school on Friday for students but lucky teachers get to learn new things on their PD day. We also do not have school on Monday because its Thanksgiving. I hope you all have a wondering time with your families and get to eat some delicious food!

With a new month comes a new theme and classroom arrangement. Each month I like to move the desks and place the students by different students. This month the students are in three groups and will be working as a team to collect points. They get points for listening, following instructions, being king, helpful and so on. At the end of the month we will compare the points and the group with the most will win a little something.

Our class theme this month is "En automne avec ma famille" ( In fall with my family). This theme explores the family and all things autumn. Students will be learning vocabulary related to members of the family. They will be assigned a class project to put together their family tree. You will receive more information on that next week. We will also learn about body parts, continue to build on colors and school supply vocabulary. In the last couple of weeks before Halloween the students will learn vocabulary and put together their own haunted house booklet. Grammar topics raised will be the use of pronouns and the construction of a basic sentence.

In Math, we are finishing up patterns and have a quiz to review what we have learned. We then will be starting numbers 0-10. Students will learn how to recognize the written form, represent numbers with objects and to correctly print the numerals.

In Science, we have a few more science experiments left to do with color but will be moving onto our 5 senses. You can help your child out by talking about their 5 senses before we start the unit to give them a heads up.

In Social Studies, we are looking at groups and the many ways to identify different groups whether it be by clothing, symbols, language or so on. I will be sending home a puzzle piece project this week to be completed at home. This is the first piece of many puzzle pieces that will be sent home. This one is all about the students name and their origins. There will be a letter attached to help you out.

I hope the reading packages went well last week. They students were proud of their reading accomplishments. I heard all about it and over heard them talking to friends about how many books they read. Keep up the great work supporting your child! Please note to record both French and English titles as this will help the parent volunteer with making sure your child does not receive the same books. Also some did not remember to record the title of the book please do so.

Please be sure to check your child's agenda an important note went home today in regards to lice in our classroom. You will also find a plastic bag for food donations to Holly Name cares. Please if you wish to donate send bags back in by Thursday.

I have a special favor to ask to help me Monday mornings...If you could move your child's book marker in the agenda to the correct week that would really help me with time. If you forget no worries. I would appreciate it though.:)

We will be having a lock down practice sometime this week. Please have a chat with your child about appropriate behavior and expectations. I will review what we have discussed in class also.

Here are a few reminders for the week:
Scholastics Orders are due Thursday October 6th
Thanksgiving Liturgy will be Thursday October 6th at 2pm. You are welcome to join.
Library is on Wednesday October 5th
No School Friday October 7th
No School Monday October 10th

That's all for this week.

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