Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Where has September gone?

Hi everyone,
I hope you all had a great week end! The weather was great. I hope it sticks around for weeks to come.

Reading packages will be sent home Monday September 26, 2016. For those of you who were not at Parent reading night. Please send in a post dated check (June 15,2017) in the amount of $15.00. The check is made out to Holy Name School. This check will be returned to you in June depending on if your child returned the reading CD and did not lost any puzzle pieces.
Look through the reading packages and if you have any questions about what you find in there, please feel free to contact me. Remember to fill out the reading log for their first attempt only. You do not have to record every time they read the book. Reading packages are returned every Monday. You may keep the CD at home until June.  Other items that you can keep are the number cards as well as the alphabet cards. You can cut those out and play different games. (memory, war, go fish)

Our annual Terry Fox run is this Friday September 30th. Students are encouraged to wear read and white for this event. Everyone is welcome to join us. I do need 4 volunteers to join us on our adventure around the community. Please let me know as soon as possible if you can join us.
The students have also been asked to bring any pictures of loved ones who may have had cancer or has cancer. These pictures will be displayed in the lobby. Remember to write your name on the back so that it may be returned to you.

In the next couple of weeks the students will be crafting for Thanksgiving and Halloween. If you could send in toilet paper rolls as you get them that would be great. They will also need a mason jar. Small is preferred but medium will work also.

Please be sure to check out the Harvest moon Gala page. Our class theme this year is "Calgary's Family". Here is the link to sign up to donate items. http://www.signupgenius.com/go/10c0d49acae2fa0ff2-calgarys
Our goal is to be the first grade one class to complete their basket! If you have any items you may send them in with your child, we have a collection box in our room.

In Science, we are starting to look at mixing different colors to make new ones. We will also look at what happens if we add white or black paint to other colors. On Thursday September 29th students are asked to wear their favorite color. You can start to prepare your child for our next experiment which is to determine what colors/objects are transparent or opaque.

In Math, we continue to work on patterning. Students have been encouraged to add various elements to one pattern. For example colors, size, shapes all in one pattern. We are looking around our surroundings to see if we can find any more patterns. So far we have looked at quilts and will look at the animal prints. We are also counting up to 10 and are grouping items or objects for each number.

In Social studies we are learning about  our identity and the importance of our first name and the origins of our last name. In the next couple of days a sheet will be sent home for you to fill out. The students will present this information to their classmates.

In Health, we are starting to learn about proper hand washing. The students will learn each step to washing their hands and the appropriate times when they should do so. We will have a guest speaker at the end of October to help reinforce all that we have learned.

In English, we continue to review letter sounds. Students should review the sounds that each vowel makes. It is important to review English sight words on a regular basis. Here is a link to the Jolly phonics songs we are learning in class as well as the sign language alphabet to help them practice their sounds.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wMQHd1UBkeI- Sign Language

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Djz82FBYiug- Jolly Phonics

Day 1,3,4 Students have gym
Day 5 Library
Day 4-Activite en communaute
Day 2-6- Music

That's all for this week.

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