Monday, May 8, 2017

May all ready

Hi Everyone,
Can you believe we are in the month of May already. The count down will soon begin and we have a ton left to learn. We have finished learning all about farm animals, where they live and what they eat. This will tie in nicely on Thursday when we head to Butterfield acres.

This month in French students will be learning about insects, our environment and story writing. We will also focus on reading with expression and fluidity.
In English, we continue to learn about the different parts of stories (beginning, middle, ending as well as who, what, when, where, why and how).

Math we will soon be finishing up with measurement. So far we have covered length, surface, volume and just have mass left. Once we finish this unit we are focusing on addition and subtractions up to 20 for the remainder of the year.

Science students have been learning about seasons and the effects they have on plants, animals, our activities as well as our clothing. This will be tied in with our French unit as well. We will also be learning about the needs of plants and animals. Students will have the opportunity to observe plants, chicken eggs and butterflies.

Social studies the students are starting to learn about the country they live in, the different provinces, symbols and traditions of Canada. We will also learn about East, West, South and North and how it can be applied to the city but also our country.
Tuesday and Wednesday students who are ready will start to present their French poems for the art oratoire.

This week the students will have a fabulous opportunity in music to experience a drum circle. Our class will be going on Tuesday.
School council will be meeting on Tuesday night at 6:30 if you wish to join.

On Wednesday during activite en communaute students will have a guest speaker coming to talk to them about her experiences with the Charles Mulli Fondation.
Wednesday night will the Movie night in the gym for those who have purchased tickets. Do not forget to bring some change to buy snacks and help support the grade 4's on their community project.

Butterfield acres will be on Thursday. This is an all day field trip so please be sure to check the weather and dress your child accordingly. Rubber boots are highly suggested along with a hat if its sunny. Students are allowed to feed the animals. If they wish to do so they are to bring 25cents for the ice cream cones filled with feed. Please be sure to apply sunscreen before arriving to school. They can bring some with them. I will not  apply it for them though.

Friday we have our Marian Liturgy at 2pm all is welcome, especially you moms.

Heads up for next week events. On Tuesday May 16th it will be safari day. Students are asked to come to school dress as a safari character and bring $2.00. They will be able to purchase additional snacks for $2.00. All proceeds will go towards the Charles Mulli Foundation.

No school on Friday the 19th

Thanks everyone. Have a great week and get out and enjoy the sunshine!

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