Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Short week with alot of info

I hope everyone had a great May long week end and you were able to spend time with family, get out of the city or get some chores we have all been putting off done.

Can you believe that this Thursday is our first day of the Alphabet countdown?! What is that you ask? Well first off it means we will only have 26 more days left of school! EEEeeekk. Everyday until June 29th we will review a letter of the alphabet by doing fun activities. There will be some involvement on your part and a bit of planning. I will send home the sheet and email you all a copy so that you can plan ahead. This Thursday we will review the letter "Z" for zoo. Students may bring their favorite zoo animal to school, whether it be a stuff, a picture or a write up.
Next week the students will have the opportunity to head out to the Leighton Centre of the Arts. Students  will explore the center and the grounds, learn about sketching and nature. We will need 3-4 volunteers to join us on that day. If you are available and want to join us please let me or Wendy know. It will be an all day field trip. I sent home on Tuesday the field trip forms to be signed, please be sure to send them back by Friday at the latest.

On June 20th our class will walk to the Calgary Library with our grade 4 reading buddies as well as with some awesome volunteers. We will learn about their summer programs, how to chose a book and how to use our library cards over the summer. If you wish to volunteer our class is in need of 3-4 volunteers. For those parents who may want suggestions on books to pick for summer reading I would also be happy to help guide you this day. This fieldtrip is in the morning and back to school by lunch.

June 26th is Activity Day at school. This years theme is to Celebrate Canada's 150th year. They will learn all about Canada from coast to coast. If you wish to volunteer this day you can contact Mr.Desroches or our schools volunteer coordinator.

June 28th will be our school talent show. All is welcome. Auditions continue through out this week. If your child wishes to audition and has not yet had the opportunity they still can do so. They must come to school prepared to show their talent and have all materials in order to audition. Auditions end this week.
Of course there will lots of other fun things in between but I thoughts I would let you know these dates to mark on your calendar.

This Friday at school it is spirit day with a focus on culture. Students are asked to dress to celebrate their cultural heritage.

Just a reminder to everyone... Please do not let up on home reading. I know the weather is starting to get nice and your activities are more frequent but the students continue to need the practice. I will be starting French reading evaluation in the next week. It is important to also continue to read over the summer any chance you get. Studies say that if a student does not read over the summer holidays they can drop at least 2 reading levels.  Our students have worked very hard this year and we want them to be confident readers when they hit grade 2.

Please review math facts with your child. Students are required to know addition and subtraction facts up to 18. There are some great websites were you can download flash cards along with other ideas on how to learn math facts.  Students will also be learning about doubles and doubles plus 1 in the next week.

That's all for this week. Take care everyone.
Laurie Anne

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