Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Last week of September already!

Hi Everyone,
It was great meeting all of you last week at parent meet and greet. I enjoyed talking to all of you and learning a little bit more about your children. Some of us were rushed and I am sorry for the quick chat, know that am easy and if you have anything questions or need clarification contact me anytime. I will do my best to answer or help out.

I also wanted to thank everyone who came to reading night last night. Your support means a lot to me and your child. We are a team and it was great to see my team show up in great numbers! Thank you. I hope the packages are not to overwhelming. Know you can do as you wish with them. I add more to the reading packages to give you more French resources in your hands seeing that they are hard to come by. I also add the paper French books right away to give you and your child more opportunities to see French text, do not worry if they cannot read them right away. Just have fun looking at pictures, guess words and attempting to sound them out. You can also be detectives and search for sights words in these books.

We are on our last week of September I cannot get over how fast it has gone! We will finish up our theme on back to school, however we will keep practicing our school supply vocabulary. Octobers theme in French is being thankful for our family and exploring the season of autumn. Students will be learning vocabulary related to members of the family. There will be a poster project assigned during this unit, you will receive more information on that when the time comes, hopefully by the end of the week. Students will also be learning about what it is to be thankful and Halloween.
Please continue to review the French alphabet with your child, some students are still having trouble identifying sounds and letter names out of sequence.

With a new month comes also a new seating arrangement. I change the classroom every month to correspond with the theme and also place students in different arrangements. This is to allow them a chance to meet new friends, work with others of different strengths or abilities or simply to give them a break.

In Math, patterns continue along with number sense up to 10. We are almost finished of this unit and will be moving onto numbers 0-20. You can help your child get ahead by practice counting numbers 0-20 forwards and backwards and identifying numbers out of sequence, printing numbers correctly as well as associating objects to the numbers.
In English, we have been looking at 3 letter words and their beginning, middle and end sounds. We continue to review the letter sounds along with hand signals for each letter. They love watching me try to remember certain letters....I keep forgetting g,p,q !!!!

Science we will continue learning about primary colors and will slowly start to learn more about our 5 senses.

In Health, we have been talking about proper hand washing. I am very impressed with their knowledge on when we should wash our hands. We should have a healthy year if everyone washes when they say they should.

Gala will be upon us quicker than we know it. Every year our class is assigned a basket where our team is asked to donate items to help support our school. Our class theme this year is Calgary family adventure. In the past the first class to fill their basket has been rewarded in some way, usually a pizza party. We went over the site as a class today and they are in top secret mode to be the first lol to fill the basket. If you wish to participate you sign up online and send in your items and I will make sure it goes to the right people. Thanks in advance for your support.

Here is the link to the sign up sheet for the basket:

https://harvestmoongala.wordpress.com/ Here is the link to the Gala home page to learn more about this awesome fundraiser.

Please note that we only have one volunteer for Terry Fox run on Friday afternoon. If you can make it please join us. We will be heading out walking the sidewalks in our community. I would love another set of eyes to help us out.

If you have not yet sent in your deposit cheque for the reading package please do so by Friday. A huge thanks to those who have already sent it in.

We have library tomorrow, please send your books in. I think that is all for now. Have a great rest of the week.
Laurie Anne :)

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