Monday, December 18, 2017

The countdown is on....

Hello everyone,
The week is finally upon us. I cant believe we have 4 days left before the holiday season. This will be a busy week filled with lots of excitement and tons of activities. All this week we have parents coming into class to read Christmas stories. We had some great stories this morning and the kids are looking forward to hearing more. As we count down the days before Christmas our class likes to dress up each day, this is totally optional.
We will start to deliver our candy canes to the classes this week. We did a great job and sold out of what we had. I do have to go get a few more to fill the orders. I will be calling Superstore today to order our Turkeys. My husband and his turkey crew plan on stopping by on Wednesday and dropping them off to the Drop In then. He was thinking tomorrow however we are thinking weather will play a messy factor in that.
Our parent volunteers will be exchanging our reading packages, they will be kept here at school until the new year. I will be sending home a winter holiday reading challenge over the break, if you and your child would like to participate. They love filling the hot chocolate mug in with the fun places to read. I will also be sending home tomorrow a note explaining a new on line reading ressourse that you can use at home. It looks awesome! You can read the book, follow along and even highlight the words if you do not know them and it will read it back to you. Each child will get their own log in. You can just save the information to your computer.

Tuesday- We will be decorating Christmas cookies with our grade 4 reading buddies. This will be from 12:45-1:45. We have made sure that the cookies are allergy free for those students with allergies. If you have allergy concerns, just let me know or send in an item your child can decorate.  Tuesday we have the choice to dress up as reindeer, santa or Mrs claus. They students have written in their agenda's what they would prefer.

Wednesday- Students will attend strum and sing, which is the school caroling in the gym first thing in the morning. We have our Advent liturgy as well which will start at 1pm in the gym. All is welcome to attend. We will also dress as Christmas angles this day.
Thursday- Last day together before Christmas Holidays. The whole school will be dressing in their PJ's. We have strum and sing in the morning followed by the Nativity movie in the gym. We will clean up the class get it ready for the new year. We will also have a class celebration and pass out Christmas gifts. If you wish to send in a healthy treat for our class celebration you are more than welcome to do so. Special Lunch is also on this day.
This is all for the week. If anything changes I will send you all an email. If I do not get to see you all before the Holidays, may you have the merriest of Christmas. I hope that your home will be filled with laughter, love and warmth, not to mention great new memories. Be safe and remember to stop and take a moment to take it all in. I will hopefully be seeing you all in the New year! School is back January 8th! Merry Christmas and Happy New  Years!
Laurie Anne

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