Monday, January 21, 2019

Cheers to a New Year!

Well we survived the first week together!! The students are adjusting well to the new change and I am getting there lol. For those who know me and have worked alongside me in the past, welcome back. For you all who don't know me, HI! I have been teaching at Holy Name for 6 years....or maybe more?! I have taught in PEI for two years before coming west. I love teaching grade one, I love how everyday is different, I love the challenges, the laughs and everything in between. Literacy is very important to me, so be prepared for some changes in the reading packages. I look forward to meeting you all, working with you and your child. Feel free to contact me anytime.

This is my weekly blog. I hope to have it posted every Monday. You can find your child's sight words, French sounds, English sight words, interactive games and much more. I will also post anything that's coming up like field trips, volunteering opportunities or what's happening at school. Please try to check it.

This month your child will be learning all about winter in French. They will learn new vocabulary in French such as winter sports, clothing, parts of the body. We will also be working on French phonemes, how to break words apart into syllables and how to write a simple sentence with correct punctuation. I will be review the French alphabet sounds also with your child, feel free to practice at home. If they need a challenge at a letter sound to the sound. " B" + "A"= BA

You will notice that students are bring home paint chips with both French and English sight words written on them. Please send them back daily as we use them in class regularly. Once the students have 5 weeks and can read each word without any mistakes they get to pick a prize from my prize box. Please be sure to practice with them.

I will be adding another French book to your weekly reading package. Its the French program used by all grade one classes called Oui, oui, oui. With this program however I do require a deposit of 15$ to cover the cost of any lost books, CD's or puzzle pieces. If you could send in a cheque date June 20, 2019 made out to Holy Name School that would be lovely. Once I get the deposit I will start sending home these new books for your child to read. A big thank you in advance!

I will be sending home the log in information again for the online reading program the school has purchased for the class called Je Lis. Thank you to those who are already using it at home. Bravo to the kids for completing up to niveau rouge. For those who are starting out, not to worry you have lots of time. If you have any questions about the program feel free to drop me a line.

In math, the students are starting addition and subtraction up to 12. We will look also at double math facts as well as doubles plus 1. Students will be starting to read written math problems where they must figure out if the problem will be addition or subtraction. It is important for them to remember the key words they are learning in class to help them figure out the problems. So far we have mainly focused on addition. We will start to skip count in the next couple of week by 2,5,10 up to 100. You can help them get a head start by practicing at home.
Key words for addition- plus, ajoute, en tout,
Key words for subtraction - moins, enleve, maintenant

In Science, students have been working on discovering their 5 senses and the important role they play in our lives. Last week we did some fun experiments with taste, sound and sight. This week we will focus on touch and smell.

Social studies students are starting a new unit on comparing the differences between urbane (ville) and rurale (champagne) living. So far we have looked at my family home on google maps in PEI (country) and where I live in Calgary (urbane). The students were very surprised at the size of my yard in PEI, which is over an acre. They also got a kick out of the traffic cameras there verse here.

English, students are reviewing vowel sounds both long and short sounds. They will also be starting to learn about blends and word families. They continue to work on explode the code and making 3 letter words.

I am looking for some volunteers who would be willing to come into class and read with the students in small groups in either French or English. If you are interested and available please let me know and we can work out a schedule. Our class is in need of 4 volunteers on Feb 8th afternoon (12:30-3:05) for our in class field trip with Teachers pet. I will be also looking for volunteers on Feb 13 to help celebrate our 100 day of school. If you are interested in any of these opportunities please let me know.

I think that's all for this week.
No school Friday Jan 25
Library Thursday Jan 24

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