Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Meet the author night

Hi Folks,
I have had a few questions about meet the author night. When you come please bring your child with you, you can also meet your child after school to it that is easier for you. There are some students staying after school to help set up, so if that is easier for you may do so, but please let me know ahead of time.
If you are sending in snacks you can send them in with your child or bring them with you. Once you arrive you may check out all the students work, they have small write about done about themselves that you can read. Also depending on when you arrive, that will be the time that your child will share their  book with everyone. So they will have a read aloud. Once they are finished they made sign their books and you can take it home. I would like to however keep the ones that are not laminated in class until the rest of the year.They have worked hard on their books and have done a fabulous job coming up with their own ideas. They look forward to writing their books every day and in most cases if they finish their work early they are right back to working on their books. I hope that you enjoy this time with us in class and thank you for coming and celebrating your child's accomplishments. It means a lot to them and me as well. If you have any questions feel free to call me or email me anytime.
 Until tomorrow

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