Thursday, November 3, 2011

Our fruit and veggies adventure begins

Hi folks,
We have started are new theme of fruits and vegetables. Yesterday the students had a chance to try pomegranates. To my surprised they all pretty much loved them and were asking for more!!. Today we are trying plums. We were also suppose to try peaches but I was told they could not find any. If this happens feel free to substitute it with another fruit or vegetable. Just make sure though that it is not already on the list. Sobeys have a great section with different exotic fruits, if you ever get stuck.
We are also keeping a tally of who has fruits and vegetables in their lunches. We will continue to do this for the whole month of November and will be used as a math lesson later on.

We are still working on numbers 1-20. We had a chance to estimate how many pumpkin seeds were in the pumpkin last week and had the chance to count to 200. The students loved pulling out the insides of the pumpkin.

We only have 2 days of school next week (Nov 7,8), due to parent teacher interviews and a PD day. I hope that all the interview times are good for everyone. If not please let me know and I can work something out. We will not be covering any new words and there will be no home work sent home. All I ask is that you go over the sight words with your child that we have already covered and practice counting and matching the words to the numbers. I will also send the song books home to practice.

The last week of November we will be starting our penny drive for the CBC Turkey Drive. It will run up until the last week before Christmas holidays. Last year I did this with my class and had great success. As a class we were able to buy 38 turkeys for island family's with the 530.00$ raised through the penny drive and the candy cane sale at the Christmas concert. My goal last year was to buy one turkey, but my students told me that was not a good goal. I asked why and they informed me that there is more than one family in need of a turkey on Christmas. I was shocked by that response and their compassion for others.  I understand that we might not get 38 turkeys this year, that's not what matters. What matters is that we learn how to give back to those in need even if its just one turkey, we are doing something. So that being said start saving those pennies and pass the word out that we are collecting.

That's all for now if you have any questions feel free to drop me a line. I hope that you all have a great weekend. See you next week.
Laurie Anne

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