Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Halloween is around the corner!!

Hi folks,
I hope that you all had a great weekend. We had a couple of great speakers at our convention if you want to check them out there names were Martin LaTulipe and Dr.Steven Van Zoost. 

We are on our last week of October, I can not believe how fast this month is flying by!! We will be wrapping up our family and fall theme and moving onto En pleine forme avec mes amis les animaux. Students will be learning about domestic animals as well as fruits and vegetables. I will be sending home a sheet where I have assigned your child a fruit and vegetable to bring into class for a certain day. They are only required to do this for their assigned day. Please be sure to send enough in for 14 students and have the fruit/veggies cut and ready to pass out. Students are required to try everything that is brought in to be 100% sure they do not like. After we sample the goodies the students will then write in a booklet whether they liked the fruit or vegetable. At the end of the month I will send the book home for you to look over. You might be surprised on what your child actually likes. I did this last year and it was a huge success. The parents were very surprised that their child actually like some of the fruit/veggies, they said it helped out with packing lunches. I hope that you will have this success as well!! Please let me know if your child has any sensitivity or allergies to certain fruits/veggies or if you are unable to participate.

I will also be having a guest speaker coming in from the Healthy Food Alliance to chat about healthy food choices and how they help you grow.

The students have won their 100 points!! We have decided to have a Halloween party on Monday, watch a Halloween movie and have some treats. If you are interested in sending in a treat with your child please feel free to do so. Just leave me a note in the agenda if you can or not.
Your child can wear their costume to school on Monday, however they must come with their make up already on as well as their costume. They can change out if it before going outside for recess. It is the schools policy to not permit any swords,guns, knives or anything that can be viewed as a weapon. Masks are also not allowed. We will be having Halloween centers in the afternoon with the whole school. The pumpkin patrol will be visiting the school on Friday afternoon to go over safety tips with your child.

I would like to thank Nicole Johnston (Laurens mom) and Brenda Meisner (Ashlyn's mom) for coming into class and doing a craft and showing the students how to make apple crisp!! Also thanks to you all who came out for our adventure to Arlington Farms, and to the rain that stayed away!

Have a great week everyone and if you have any questions or comments feel free to contact me!
Laurie Anne :)

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