Monday, January 7, 2013

Happy New Year!!!

Well its 2013, I cant get over how fast the holiday season went by! I had a great visit at home in PEI. I actually had a couple of days without snow which was great, until the storms hit day after day. It was great to see my dad and spend time with my friends. I hope that you all had a great time and were able to spend some good quality time with those you love!

I am not sure if you all heard seeing that the last week of school before the break went so quickly, but we ended up purchasing 11 turkeys !! Bravo mes amis and to you all for your help and support in such short notice. I dropped them off to the Calgary food bank. They were very happy and touched to hear who they came from.

We are starting a new month and with that a new theme. Can you guess? Winter! They will learn about winter sports and other activities you can do in winter. We will also start learning about the winter carnival in Quebec! We have started our literacy centres which will be everyday. This week the centres include finding the letter that begins each word, finding the missing sound either at the beginning, middle or end of the word, matching the correct syllables and a chance to use the smartboard. Your child has their own reading bag with properly levelled books in it. I do put some books that are more challenging in there because i feel that if its too easy its not fun. If you wish I am more than happy to send these bags home with your child for extra practice. I only ask of you that you send them back everyday with your child because we do use them during silent reading. Just let me know in the agenda if you would like them to come home.

This week I will be really focusing on syllables, feel free to go over the sight words with your child and have them divide the syllables. You may also want to have them practise putting them in alphabetical order, or group them by the number of syllables they have.

We have started a new math unit which is on measurement. Today we talked about why we use measurement and how there are others ways to measure things not only with a ruler. We used the season as an example and how long we are in school for. Please continue to work with your child at home with their addition and subtractions to keep them sharp. I also suggest that you count with them 1-100, by 2, 5 and 10. They are having some trouble counting by 2 and 5, so the extra practise would be very helpful.

Science we will finish up the unit on boats and why they float, once we are done of that we will be exploring the world of magnets! In social studies we will start to meet the individuals from the three different places we are studying. We will learn about their culture, traditions, food,song and dances of the area. That got me to thinking....I would love for the students to experience a little bit of different cultures. That being said I was wondering if anyone would like to help make some of the dishes that we will learn about in the next couple of weeks? (rapure-acadienne, perogies-Ukrainian,) If you would like to share a part of your culture with the class that is not listed I would love to have you in and talk about it and have them taste a tasty treat!

Ok I think that's it for now I have rambled on for far to long. Hope to hear from you all! Happy New Year I wish you all the best and look forward to working with you and your child!
Mme Laurie Anne

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