Monday, January 28, 2013

Hello sunshine!

Hi everyone! I hope you all had a great week end and got out to enjoy the great weather. I never realized that my last post did not show up, so sorry about that!

This weeks sound  is "ille" the students are also reviewing "f". Their sentences of the week are "Il met/Elle met (He puts on/ She puts on) as well as "Est-ce-que je peux aller pour un boire de l'eau?" We will be starting a new theme this week to go with the month of February. The students will be learning about the importance of friendship (l'amitie), valentines day and the rooms of the house.

We will also be learning about groundhogs day, what it means when the groundhog sees his shadows. I will tie this in with an art activity where the students will learn about shadows and they will recreate their own shadows on paper.
In health we continue to talk about feelings, how they effect our bodies. Last week the students really enjoyed themselves with one of the activities I had planned. We listened to different types of music and the students had to say how they felt when they listened to the songs being played. They also colored what they thought the feeling would look like.
In math we are still working on measurement and practicing counting 1-100. We still continue to need work on counting by 2 and 5. Feel free to practice this at home.
We are starting our new science unit which is on magnetism. We are hoping to get teachers pet in to teach the students all they know on magnets.
In music we will be looking at the different types of instruments that people play. Later on in the month the students will be asked to make their own instruments to share with the class. I was also wondering if any of you parents might be oh so musical and play an instrument and willing to come into class and share your talent? If soo please let me know.

Report cards will be coming up quickly ! I would like to try and send home a note to each of you to let you know where your child stands at the moment as well as some notes on what you can work at on home to help them along.Please look for that in the agenda in the next weeks to come.  That's about it for now. Hope you all have a great week! Chat soon!

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