Monday, February 4, 2013

Hello February!

Hi everyone,
I hope you all enjoyed the great weather we had this week end. I hope that February will bring us many more great days. Our vitue of the month is Love/Amour. The students will learn about St. Valentine's day, the importance of friendship, how to be a good friend as well as rooms in the house and articles of clothing. The students will be learning about verbs both in english and French as well as prepositions. The students are also writing and illustrating thier own books during their free writing block.  I am very happy with the creative ideas they are coming up with so far.

In English we continue to read Matilda by Roald Dahl. The students are working on their comprehension skills as they are required to answer questions after each section. The students are also working on what is a noun, verb and will later be introduced to adjectives with the help of Dahls detailed descriptions of his characters. They are really enjoying the book so far.

We will be starting magnetism in science in the next couple of days. In social studies we continue to learn about the people from around Canada. We will start to look at their traditions.In health we are continuing to look at feelings and how they effect us as well as how to respond to certain feelings.  In music we will be singing songs to go along with valentines day and we will be learning about  keyboards, percussion, woodwinds,strings and brass.

the students did reach their goal of 100 points! Bravo mes amis! They have decided to have show and tell in class. I would like to have it on February 7. Please make sure to send your child with something to present.

I am trying to finish up my pre report card letters to you all about your child's progress so far. I hope to have them finished by the end of this week, so please look for them in your child's agenda. Also just a friendly reminder that we DO NOT have school on Thursday February 14 and Friday February 15 due to teacher conventions. That being the case I would like to have our Valentine's day celebration on Wednesday the 13. Please feel free to send in healthy treats with your child.

I believe that's all for now enjoy the rest of your week.
Laurie Anne

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