Monday, February 11, 2013

Joyeux Saint-Valentin!

Happy Valentin's day to you all.

We have a short and busy week this week. We are celebrating La carnaval de Quebec today and tomorrow. The children had the chance to be active members of a French play put on by Les Bucherons. We also crowned our king and queen for the two day event. Fiona and Nathan were chosen by their classmates for all their hard work in speaking French as the duke and duchess for our class. As i am sure you have already heard that there was some confusion with the crowning ceremony this afternoon. The rules were explained that if your teachers name was picked out of a hat three times then those students would win. Our class heard Mme Laurie Anne called three times and we thought we had won, however when Mr. Itika checked to make sure he had all three ballots there, he could only find two and decided to continue the draw until another class had won. The students were very upset about this and we did talk about it in class. We decided to make Fiona and Nathan their own crowns because we feel that they deserve it for even being chosen for the duke and duchess. I have spoken with Mr. Iticka and it has been decided that they will be the King and Queen of the first floor. We were all very disappointed with what had happened but came together as a class and resolved the problem ourselves. I am very proud of how my class handled themselves and the situation!
Tomorrow is another day filled with activities. We will be going outside for the afternoon so be sure to check the weather and dress your child appropriately. Wednesday we will be celebrating Valentin's so please be sure to send your child in with their cards as well with any treats if you are doing so. We will be doing this at the end of the day, feel free to join us if you have some free time.
I had also mentioned to the students the other that there are some great French apps for your ipads. You can listen to French stories as well as French cartoons. Its a great way to build on their French oral skills as well as literacy skills. I just search french children's apps and found a couple. I will try and write them down and send them home for you if you are interested.
You might have noticed that I did not send home any letters yet in regards to your child's progress so far as mentioned. I have been having computer trouble. I had been using Mme Victoria's user name to log on to the computer and they have decided to switch the user name over to me. However everything I have saved is under her, so I am waiting for someone else who is more computer savy to come and help me! That's about it for now.
We are off to our Teacher conventions Thursday and Friday so there will be no school those days and lets not forget Monday is family day! There are tons of great activities going on around the city I hope that you get out and take advantage of some of them.
Happy Valentine's Day to you all may you be surrounded by those you love!
Mme Laurie Anne

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