Tuesday, February 26, 2013


So sorry I forgot to post last night. I have been trying to get my report cards done. This week we are starting our new theme of  my messages, methods of transportation and vacations. Students will learn the different ways to travel by air, land and sea. We will also be expecting postcards in the next couple of weeks which we will use to explore the different traditions, languages and culture from around the world.We are also taking a closer look at verbs and how to properly use them in our sentences.
In math we have finished up our unit on measurement and are now exploring additions/subtraction of numbers to 100. We will also continue to practice counting by 2,5 and 10 seeing that we still have not mastered some of these.
Last week we had an in class field trip from teachers pet. They taught us all about magnetism. A big thank you to my last minute volunteers!! I appreciate how fast you all jumped into action to help out Thanks again! We will be chatting about what we learnt during our field trip and will have a quiz this week.  We will be moving on to hot and cold.
We are jumping right back into social studies (finally) This week we will be learning about the Acadian traditions. We will learn how to follow a cooking recipe as well as how to do procedure writing by writing out the rapure recipe. Students will have the chance to taste rapure a traditional acadian dish. ( I will be the cook...hopefully all will go well, wish us luck)
We are having a lot of fun in art! Students are learning about Vincent Van Gogh. We are taking a look at the portraits he created and the details that he puts into his paintings. They will also learn some of his techniques and apply them to their final project of a self portrait with a detailed back ground. You will notice that I requested small mirrors in their agenda. This is for their art project.
I have received a few Cd's back, thank you but i am still waiting for the others to be returned before I can send the new ones home for the next half of the reading program. Please remember to send them in. Thanks.
That's all for this week. Enjoy the week and chat soon.
Laurie Anne

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