Monday, April 8, 2013

Welcome Back!

Hi everyone,
I hope you all had a fabulous break and are well rested. I had a great time in Vancouver taking in the greenery and ocean air! How I miss the ocean and its humidity!
In the next couple of days we are going to finish up a few odds and ends that I didn't get a chance to do before break seeing that I was out sick for most of the last week. Once we finish we will be starting a new theme which has a focus on spring, our environment and both farm and zoo animals. The students will learn new vocabulary, how plants grow, the importance of recycling and keep our earth healthy.
In art we will be taking a look at Barbara Reid and her clay illustrations. Students will learn some of her techniques and will be able to play with modelling clay. For one of their projects they will need an empty CD case. If you could send that in with your child's name written on the back of it that would be great. I would like to have them before the 19th of April if possible. Thanks in advance!
In English we will be learning about the different forms of poetry. We will be reading poems by Shel Silverstein, Jack Pretlusky, Roald Dahl just to name a few. These authors have great websites, so feel free to go exploring with your child in your free time. We will continue to read Anne of Green Gables in class as well.
*Just a note on going to see the Anne play. I have booked it however I had the date wrong. We will be heading down to Calgary Theatre on Thursday May 30 for 11:30. I hope this does not cause any problems for anyone. If you could also let me know who all wanted to join us again that would be great. Those who are volunteering can send in their $25.00 for the ticket and I will put it towards our field trip.*
In french I am hoping to do a book study on comic books. We will look at the different styles, compare them to the books we are use to reading. They will also be able to create their own comic book.
In music we will be listening to different songs from around the world and take a look at the musical instruments used in STOMP and how they are different from others we have seen. I am still looking for some lovely volunteers to come in and play for the class if there are any takers.
In math we are learning different strategies to add double digit numbers. They are starting to get the hang of it!
In science we are still working on hot and cold and will learn about the different parts of a thermometer. In social studies we are finishing up our unit of traditions and will be starting our unit on work.
That is all for now! I hope you all had a great break.
Laurie Anne :)

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