Friday, September 20, 2013

Happy Friday!

Hi everyone,
I hope you all had a great week and are ready for the week end. Next week we will continue to work on classroom behaviour and expectations.We still need a little practice on how to properly listen, raise our hand when we wish to speak and not to talk or interrupt others when they are speaking. The students have now been assigned weekly tasks in the classroom and are very excited to lend a helping hand. These classroom jobs will be changed each week. This coming week we are going to be learning about Terry Fox and his dream to run across Canada and raise money for cancer research. We did read a little about him today, so I imagine that they probably came home with some questions. They had a lot of great questions and were curious to learn more. We will be partaking in the annual school run Friday the 27th. Students will attend an assembly at 1h00 and once that finishes they will head outside to the field to run or walk as many laps as they can until we head back into school. You are more than welcome to come join us and show your support.

In French we will continue to practice our colors, we are working on being able to recognize them in written form. The students are also learning the days of the week and seem to be having a great time learning the song lundi matin. Here's the like if you want to check it out. Feel free to practice at home with your child. They also seem to like this one as well. My apologies now if they get stuck in your head! We will be starting to work on our booklets "Dans mon pupitre" (In my desk) Students will follow the writen sentence structure Dans mon pupitre il y a... and must fill in with the different school supplies that are found in their desk. You could practice asking them at home what they might have in their desk or in their school bag, to work on their french vocabulary.

In math students are learning about what/ how to make a pattern, repetition and how to have several different attributes to one pattern. Some of the key words that they should know are regularite (pattern), repete (repeat),encore (again), prolongue (prolong). We continue to work on printing our number 1-10 and recognize the written form in words. Please work on printing these numbers with your child so that they are forming them in the correct direction.

I will be sending home scholastics order forms in the next couple of  weeks, once I get them. If this is new to you it is a booklet that you can order books from. There is both English and French selections. Please do not feel obligated to order from it. They do have monthly promotions that sometimes benefits our class. I will send scholastics out at the beginning of every month and have them due back in by the middle. It would be great if you could send a check in rather than money.

I also wanted to let you know our classroom theme for the Gala is Chocolate Dreams. If you go on the school web page under Harvest moon gala you will see all the themes for each classroom and sign up to donate an item for the basket that will be auctioned off. I must say having chocolate dreams as my classroom theme is very fitting but also dangerous if I get a craving! Here is the link: Thanks to you all who have already donated.

I had a chat with a parent today about reading French at home and her concerns about finding appropriate and fun French books. I suggested that she look into ordering a French magazine that comes every month. Then I realized I should share that information with all of you. I have ordered in the past from QSP-which is a magazine campaign fundraisors for schools. I did this because I didn't know where else to find appropriate French magazines. If you are interested let me know and I can send you the pin to get access and you can look at the different titles like pomme d'api, Youpi, les explorateurs and popi.

All milk orders and food orders were due on Friday, if you still wish to order please send them in Monday! We have library on Monday so don't forget to send in the books.
Ok I think that's all for now, Have a great week end.
Laurie Anne

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