Friday, September 27, 2013

September has come and gone!

Wow I can not believe that we are entering the month of October already. I suppose the weather tells us so, seeing that the mornings are getting colder and the leaves has quickly turned yellow.
With a new month comes a new theme. We will be finishing up learning about colors and school supplies and will turn our focus on fall, family, seasons, months of the year, parts of the body and who can forget Halloween! I hope to do a fun project with the students where they are to bring pictures of their family. Look for a note to come in the next couple of weeks to send in some pictures. Please note that these pictures will be cut, so do not send in anything that you do not want back how you sent it in.
In French, we will start to learn about fall and the changes that come with this new season. We continue to learn new sounds and are reviewing the sounds that we have already learned. I hope that you are able to practice at home. In the past some parents have put on flash cards all the words of the week and when their child is able to recognize the word they are reward with a sticker on the flash card. We will finish up out booklet Dans mon pupitre-in my desk. I will be looking to see if the students are able to follow a line of print, finish sentences with a period and have proper spacing between words.
In math we are coming to the end of our patterns unit. I will quiz the students in the next couple of days on what they have learned. We will start to look at numbers 1-20. Students in Grade one are required to be able to write the numbers 1-10 in written form, count backwards, count by 2, 5 and 10. It is great practice to count every night, have your child write the numbers down as high as they can go. They will also learn how to recongize numbers 1-10 in a 10 frame. We are also counting the 100 days of school in class and are on day 18 as of Friday. Every day we add to the ones place and then once we get a group of 10, we move it to the tens place. I like to do some simple additions during this activity.
In art we will be making some holiday crafts for fall and thanksgiving. If any of you have a great fall project that you would like to come in and teach, please let me know.

I couple of things I need to mention, that I forgot to do so last week. The reading program will start soon, you are required to send in a cheque for $15.00 dated for June 20th, 2014. This cheque is required as a deposit on the reading CD that will be sent home with the reading program. If it is lost your cheque will be cashed to replace the lost CD. If it is returned, your cheque will be returned. If you could send in a cheque for that amount before Wednesday the 2 of October that would be great.
The milk programs starts this week. We have no school on Friday due to PD day. Also just a reminder that there are still items left for our class donation basket. Tickets are still available for purchase if you did not get a chance to do so yet. All donations and ticket purchases are due on or before October 11.

We will also be going on a field trip on October 16th to Calgary corn maze. We are asking for volunteers to come join us. We will leave school at 9 am and be returning for 2pm. Parents who volunteer are asked to drive their child to and from school for this outing. An email will be sent out by out class rep in the next couple of days with more detail. Permission slips will be sent home this week. Please sign and send in. Scholastics are due October 7th. A reminder that we have library on Tuesday, so send those books in.

I think that's all for now...I think. Enjoy the week end!
Laurie Anne
PS The students really enjoyed themselves at the Terry Fox run. Thanks for your support!

"Dreams are made possible if you try"
Terry Fox

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