Friday, September 13, 2013

Heres to making new friends!

Thank you to all of you who came in to meet me. It was great getting to meet you all. I know we will have a great year working along side each other.

This week we will continue to work on routine and structure in class. We will continue to build our vocabulary by learning about school supplies, colors, days of the week and the alphabet. The student will continue to practice learning the names and sounds that each letter makes in the alphabet. They are also learning how to print and distinguishing both lower and upper case letters. Please practice the alphabet at home as well as printing both upper and lower case letters. In french upper case is called majuscule and lower case is miniscule. I will send home a sheet with how the letters should sound in French. We have started to write in our French journals. The students are copying simply sentences about school supplies and colors. We are focusing on using proper spacing, starting the sentence with a capital and finishing with a period. We are having some fun learning French songs, so you might hear them singing at home.

In math we have started our patterns unit, which they seem to really enjoy. We are also learning to count and represent numbers up to 10. It would be great practice if you counted at home with your child as high as they can as well as printing their numbers in the correct direction.

In science the students are learning about colors and how to make new colors by mixing others. We did start our health unit about good hygiene and the importance taking care of your body. We covered hand washing techniques last week and had some good discussion on why its important to wash our hands. In English we are learning about consonants and the sounds that they make. This week sight words in English are I, am, like, can, my and go. To practice their sight words in either French or English you could play a game of memory, tic-tac-word or hangman. In religion the students are learning about the importance of friendship and what makes a good friend.

Information that you might want know:
Gym class is on days 1,2,3 and 4
Library is on day 2 ( I will try and remember to put a note in the agenda reminding you)
Activite en communaute is on day 5
Period X is on day 6

Our school runs on a 6 day cycle, you can find the days on the calendar provided in the monthly news letter.

This weeks reminders:
Sept 17- picture day- our class is at 9h30
Sept 18- Mass at Holy Name church- We will be walking there, if you want to join feel free.
Sept 20- Sandwich Day- All Sandwiches will be donated to those in need

Enjoy your week
Laurie Anne :)

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