Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Bring on the Holidays!

Hi everyone,
I hope that you are all having a great week so far and have most if not all of your Christmas shopping done.
This week is our last week before the holidays. The students are excited as well as their teacher. This week in class we will be reading Christmas stories, learning Christmas vocabulary and working on some holiday crafts.
In math students are learning about equal groups and remainders. They are also going to learn about estimating and how it is OK not to know the number exactly when making a guess. They continue to work on addition in their red math duo tang as well.
We will be working on our Christmas cards for Seniors this week which falls into our social studies unity of community. We will also be donating turkeys to the food bank in the next couple of days. We raised a lot of money during the Christmas concert, the number I am not 100% sure of yet because I am still counting and rolling change. Once I know Ill pass it along as well as for the amount of turkeys purchased.
We also received a package from Santa on Monday. I wrote him a letter the week before based on a suggestion of a student in our class. He said that I should so that they students remember to be good in the next couple of weeks, because they were all excited for Christmas. I did as he asked and we were lucky to get one of Santa's head doll making elves named Lulu. They students are extremely pumped to have her in class and are all ears when i am explain important instruction. Too bad they didn't have a year long elf!

We will be having a class party on Thursday. If you would like to send in a nice treat that we can all share that would be lovely. Please note that we have nut allergies as well as an egg allergy. Healthy treats are always welcomed. In the afternoon we will be joining Mme Marie-Christine's class as well as Mme Janice's class in the gym for a movie and some games. I have ordered the students presents from scholastic, however they have not arrived yet :( I am hoping by Friday at least they will be here.

On Friday we only have half a day and students will be dismissed at noon. We will have our Christian action in the morning and the last advent liturgy at 11am. Parents are welcomed to join for both.

If I do not get to see all of before Friday I wish you the very best Christmas filled with love, laughter and great memories. Cheers to a new year and the many new adventures it will bring. May your home be filled with family and friends. Be safe, stay warm and smile often. I am off to PEI to spend time with my dad and to soak up the slower pace of life.
All the best and chat soon.
Mme Laurie Anne

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