Monday, December 9, 2013

The count down is on!

Hello everyone Happy Monday,
This week we have our Christmas concert, which is Thursday December 12. There will be two times one in the afternoon and one in the evening. Please be sure to practice with your child at home our song, Noel, c'est l'amour. It would be great if you could have your child dress nicely dark bottoms white tops or something festive. We will be having a practice with the whole school tomorrow. For the evening performance students are to come straight to class once you arrive. It would  be great if you could have them all there no later than 6:15.
We will be starting to use the nickles that some of you donated to learn how to count by 5. Please feel free to send more in, we do not have that many as of right now. We have also started story problems in math where students have to figure out different additions for a given number. For example Kate has 16 objects in her school bag, some are books and some are snacks. How many books can she have and how many snacks can she have. Students will have to figure out all the additions of 16. You can practice this at home. Please also continue practicing counting 1-50 or higher some of them are able to count to 100. Also count by 2,5,10. We have also looked at before and after (avant et après) You could ask your child what is the number before 43 or after 43.
In art we continue to work with pastels and will be using the jars for a craft. Please send in your jars if you have not done so yet. We are still missing 7. I would like them for Wednesday.
In English we will learn all about adjectives by reading How the Grinch stole Christmas. The students will have to describe the Grinch. We will talk about how sometimes characters change at the end of the book and we will note how the Grinch changed for the better.
We are learning jingle bells on the xylophones in music....small work in progress. If any of you have easy piano books I could borrow with Christmas songs please let me know.  I would like to do more than one song with them.
That's all for now, Enjoy the week
Laurie Anne

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