Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Busy week

Hi Everyone,
This week in grade one we have a lot going on it seems. Just wanted you all to know that tomorrow is the last day for Scholastic orders if you have not already handed them in. I will be placing the orders hopefully Friday after school.

The ice cream reading challenge is still on going. We have had some very successful students who have already gotten their bowl, spoon and first scoop of ice cream! Bravo! Remember parents any reading that they do at home with you can count, don't forget to sign when they read for at least 10 mins. Students have been letting me know when they are ready to be tested for their words and sentences. Its great to see how excited they are about this challenge, I am hoping that they are enjoying reading to you as well.

This week I have sent home two permission slips. The one that is blue is for your child to be able to participate in a skye conversation with Fabian Cousteau. He will be partaking in an under water study of ocean life. He will be under water for a period of 31 days, this was previously attempted by his grand-father who was success in living on the ocean floor for 30 days. It is called Mission 31. Here is the link if you wish to seek out more information. . Please be sure to sign this permission form otherwise your child will not be able to partake in the skype session with the rest of the school.

You may have also seen a permission form for Butterfield acres that was sent home yesterday. Please also make sure to sign this and send it in by the end of the week. We will be heading there for June 18th, for the whole day. Thank you to all who have volunteered. I have had some parents ask if they can come join us. I will check and see if it would be alright for others to come. I believe if it is allowed you would be required to pay your own entrance fee seeing that we have only allotted for 4 parents in our budget. I believe it is a cost of $5. I can always get back to you if you email me with an interest to go.

Not sure if you heard from your child yet or not but we are raising butterflies in class. We got the larvae last week....this week they are caterpillars which are growing extremely fast. The students are amazed, but so am I. I cant get over how fast they have changed. We will be observing all the stages and once they become butterflies we will release them. They are called painted lady's if you wish to seek out more information to share with your child.

I mentioned before that we would be doing an author study on Barbara Reid with a focus on her illustrations however I never got around to finishing the activities. I will re introduce and be doing an art project with modeling clay. If you all could send in an empty CD case that you do not wish to get back I would really appreciate it. If you do not have a CD case I have used in the past 4x6 white easels at dollarama that has word great, you may also send one of those in. If I could have them in by June 6th it would be really appreciated!

In math we are deep into addition and subtraction. Addition has come easily to most however subtraction is causing a few bumps in the road. If you have time can you please explain to your child the concept, play some math games or go over addition and subtractions 1-20.

Friday is spririt day this months theme is Cultural. If you child wishes to participate please send them to school dressed. Also there is still time for your child to show off their talent. Tomorrow will be the last day for them to audition. Please have a note in their agenda to allow them to participate.

I think that is all for this week. Thanks again for everything.

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