Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Hello sunshine!

Hi everyone! I hope you all had a restful long week end and were able to get out and about with your family. I had a great trip to Seattle. The ocean air was calling me and how great it was to soak it all in !

This month is going by so fast as it always does and before you know it June is here and gone. In class we are really going to focus on our FRENCH reading and writing as well as our addition and subtraction up to 20. Students have been working on writing french stories in class. They are excited to share them with the class once they are done. They are developing good spelling strategies by sounding it out, looking on the word wall, looking in a dictionary or asking a friend or me for help.

 In math we are learning about all the different ways to add and solve problems. Students have been using manipulatives to show different addition problems as well as to help count on or solve problems. They are learning that there can be key words to help them know that they must add. For example en tout (in total), le total ( the total) or ajoute (add). They will also be learning how to solve story problems. You can help your child at home by practicing additions up to 20. You can use flash cards, grab a deck of cards and play a game of math war. You split the deck in half and each of you flip the cards over at the same time, the first to solve the addition problem gets to keep it. The most wins. Another game you can play to practice additions is to use domino's, have your child to solve the problems on each domino piece. The students also need to continue to work on counting by 2 and 5 in french. Also if you could have them write it out it would be a big help for them to practice there number formation too. There are several students who continue to have number reversals. (2,3,4,5,7,9).

I have sent home the Kids in the know sheet today. I am hoping to start that this week. We will be talking about personal safety strategies. Students will learn how to protect themselves and how to make the right choices. We usually have great chats and students have many "What if questions" If your child comes home after a class and wants to chat about the topic, please take the time to talk with them.

In the next couple of weeks I will be looking for parent volunteers to come and talk with students about their career choice. In health we will be learning that everyone has different interest that leads them into different jobs. If you are interested in coming into class and chatting to them please let me know.

I hope that you are all working hard towards helping your child achieve their ice cream sunday! I know it can be challenging especially this time of year. Some easy ways to have your child read would be when you make supper, on the way to soccer, swimming, gymnastics have them read to you in the car, before bed. You do not have to be next to them to have them read for 10 mins. Have them read to you a loud and do not forget about the French! It is easy to do because you all feel that you can help more in English, let me assure you they are all doing fairly well with English reading! They need that extra French practice and the more they read the better they will get, the better they get the more confidence they get, the more they participate in class, the more they speak French to everyone!

Thats all for now!

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