Friday, May 2, 2014

Happy Friday

Hi everyone,
Happy Friday to you all, too bad it is raining and is not suppose to be nice all week end long! Regardless I hope that you will all get out and do something fun with the family, maybe visit the library near your house to get the kids ready for summer ready or maybe explore the Science center. Whatever it may be have fun!

Month is upon us already and with that we will be switching our focus from farm life towards plants and insects. We will also be learning some very important safety tips in Health class and in Social studies the students will learn about the country they live in and the provinces and territories that make up Canada. In math we have started to look at addition and subtraction again. The students will be required to know simple addition and subtractions up to 20. We have also been reviewing skip counting by 2,5,10. I think most students have forgotten how to do so. Please can you review this with them at home. My suggestion is to have them write out the numbers or you can draw out a number line with numbers up to 50 for now to practice. I noticed that some could skip count orally however when I put a number line there and asked them to do the same thing, a lot of them did not know what to do.

We will also be doing an author study on Barbara Reid. We will learn how she creates her illustrations with platiscine and the different technique's she uses to create her fun lifelike pictures. I would like to ask you all to send in an empty CD case that you will not need back, seeing that we will be using it to create a picture.

We are nearing the end of the year and my focus for the remaining time will be on reading and writing simple sentences. It would be beneficial for your child to read more at home in FRENCH. Studies have shown that over the summer students drop at least two reading levels. My goal is to have them all beyond the recommended reading level of 7-8 which is E. I can only do this with your help and hope that over the summer you continue to read with your child in French so that they maintain what they have learned and enter grade two exactly where they are meant to be. If any of you would like I can always meet you at your local library and show you what types of books are good for your child to read over the summer. Just let me know. We will also be taking part in an ice-cream reading challenge, once I figure out all the details I will send home the information. Look for it next week. This will require your time to sit down and read with your child and to sign a paper to show that they have read.

That's all the news I have for now. Take care and stay dry!
Laurie Anne

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