Monday, November 24, 2014

November is almost over!

I cant believe that this is our last week of November. This school year seems to be flying bye for me! Next week we will start our countdown for Christmas. With a new month comes another new theme: "C'est bientot Noel". Students will be learning  new Christmas vocabulary and opposites (grand-petit). We will also learn how to identify the sounds of the different accents (symbols over letter to change the sound) they will learn how to correctly pronounce the sounds. We are starting to count by 5 and 10 to help us when it comes time to count all our change.

We have started to collect the change for the Turkey drive. The students are supper excited and love adding to the bucket of change. Keep it coming! The Christmas concert is in two week (Dec 9th) I am looking for volunteers to sell candy canes before and after the concert. Ideally I would like to have 6 and 6. I am going to divide the tables into division 1 (K-3) and division 2 (4-6). That there is less people surrounding the tables all at one time. Those who come to sell early to volunteer can go hold their seats. Please email me if you are interested.

We are singing "Douce nuit" and "We need a little Christmas". The students need a little extra practice, so if you have time please practice with them at home, especially the French song. Here is the links to  We need a little Christmas: We only sing the part and stop after the first chorus. I will add Douce nuit to the side bare under another voki, seeing that I cannot find the version we sing online.

Next Monday could you all send in the Pink book copy A back with the reading package. We are done of those stories and are now moving onto copy B. I also sent home today your child's portfolio, take a look at it, there is a page for you to fill out. They are due back on Monday Dec 1. If your child came home with it in a green clothe bag, please send that back. I am hoping to keep those until the end of the year to send all their school supplies home in.

Scholastics are Due Dec 5. I will be placing the order then so that the books arrive before Christmas. Thursday is Spirit day, so your child may wear a jersey to show their school spirit. We have parent teacher interviews Thursday evening and all day Friday. Do not forget to sign up for a time. You can find a link on the school website. Library is on Wednesday. Please do not forget to send back your child's report card envelop. We use them for all three reporting periods.
That's all I got this week, keeping it short!
Have a great week and hope to see all of you Thursday or Friday.
Laurie Anne

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