Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Hello November!

Hi everyone,
I hope you all had a great long week end with your kids and that Halloween was not too crazy for you. It was great seeing some of you at the Gala, Thanks for coming out and supporting our school. A huge thank you to some parents who got together and bought the class some cool fieldtrips.

Report cards are just around the corner so lately we have been review a lot in class and having a few quizzes. Something you can do to help your child out is to review the French alphabet sounds, try practicing their French sentence structures and review the sight words daily.
We have started our Fruit and Veggies project today. It was a great success. The students tried pomegranates, black and green olives. We had a few shy ones that didn't want to try any, but I am sure with time they will all be giving it a go. It was hilarious to see their faces when they tried olives! To a couple of their surprises they actually liked them. They are so looking forward to the next coming weeks.

We have been talking about Remembrance day and they meaning behind the poppy. They had some really interesting questions and some I had a hard time answering. The hard ones where why was there a war, who was the bad man, why did he start it and so on. So if you all want to tackle those that would be great! We have our Remembrance day assembly on Friday at 10h30, you are all welcome to join. If you get the chance too on Tuesday next week to attend a service I encourage you to do so.

In math, we are starting to learn more and more about addition and how if we take a certain number of objects and divide it in two that can give us a math problem. ie: I have 8 chocolate bars, I separate them into 2 piles, 4 on one side and 4 on the other. That gives us 4+4=8. You can do this at home, it will reinforce the concept of addition but also work one to one correspondence. We continue to work on the concept of more and less as well.

In Science, we have started to look at our 5 senses. In the next couple of weeks the students will be learning about our sense, their importance's and how we use them everyday. We have a bunch of fun experiments coming our way!

In English, we continue to review the daily sight words and are working on sounding out letters to form small words. We do need to continue to review the letter sounds in English, seeing that we are sometimes getting the French and English sounds mixed up.
Next week we only have a 3 day school week. Remember no school Monday and Tuesday. That's all I can think of at the moment. Have a great week and chat soon.
Laurie Anne

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