Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Short week

Hi everyone,
I hope you all had a great extended week end with your family and that the weather did not stop some of you from getting out.
Seeing that this is a short week I do not have all that much to share. We have picked our song for the Christmas concert. We will be singing two, one in French (Douce Nuit) ,one in English (We need a little Christmas).  I will send home the lyrics and you can start practicing. I wil try to post the songs somewhere on here. The Christmas concert is on December 9 at St. Mikes church, I am not sure of the time, once I find out more I shall pass it along.
 Wednesday there is a School council meeting at 6h30 if any of you are interested in attending.  Picture retakes will be on Friday morning for those who are wanting their children to have them. We are in charge of morning prayer this week. So we have some brave students who have practiced all last week to get ready. All students will be given the chance to say a prayer throughout the year, if they want that is. Report cards will be sent home November 21 and parent teachers will be held on November 28th. I will be sending home sometime soon, your child's portfolio's. It is a collection of some of their work or quizzes they have done so far this year. Monday November the 17th our class has Rocks and rings in the gym, so that will be exciting.
I hope they students are sharing what they have had the chance to eat in class everyday with you. Again I thank you for helping make this happen.

I am starting to think about my Christmas projects that I do with the class. Every year my class raises money to purchase Turkeys for those who might not otherwise get one.  I have been doing this for about 5 years now and every year we seem to surpass the last with more turkeys. Last year we sold candy canes and collected coins to help purchase around 74 turkeys. My class donated them to the Calgary Food Bank. This year I am hoping to donate them to the Calgary Drop in Center. At the beginning of the school year we went as a staff to serve breakfast. Upon chatting to one of the ladies I learned that the drop in has not had a real Christmas dinner for the thousand who use it  in a long time. The reason for  that is that turkeys are way to expansive. Soo I got to thinking, my class can do that for them, why not! So I am hoping to start our coin collection a little early this year. In the past we usually just collect pennies, but that's no longer so we have started collecting nickels and dimes. this is great because I use it as a math activity seeing that we need to learn how to count by 5's and 10's. I will talk to the students this week about our mission and will plan on starting our coin collection next week. I usually send out a facebook message to all my friends recruiting them to help us out. They are great to respond and we usually have special deliveries of random change dropped off at school! I will be needing some volunteers to help sell the candy canes at the concert, so if you are interested in doing this please let me know. There is usually two shifts before and after the concert. The more people the better and easier it is to cover it all because it can get hectic. So that's one project I have planned for our class. I have one other in the mix but need to figure out some details before I make that big announcement.

The next is a favorite of mine. The students make Christmas cards for seniors. I love this because I have in the past have hand delivered the cards and to see their faces light up is better than any gift. I usually go to a seniors home back in PEI because I know the activities coordinator but I would like to go here this year and if any of you are wanting to come along Id be more than happy to have some company. I need some volunteers though to help cut cardstock in cards, fold them and get them ready for the students to draw on them. I am hoping to start this very soon so if you can start right away that would be great.

I am also looking for a volunteer to come help me get the scholastic orders ready to send home. I have slacked on that department seeing that I was working on report cards. I am thinking of sending home both November and Decembers orders so that you have more selection and if you are wanting to order Christmas gifts you can. That way I can place the order early and guarantee that you will get it all in time. If you are ordering gifts just let me know via email or a little note and I will hold onto them for you!
 ok so short week and a lot of info being put out there for you. I am excited to get things rolling. I know the kids will be pumped too. If you have any other ideas or suggestions on what we could do for a community project I would love to hear them. Enjoy the week everyone!
Chat soon,
Laurie Anne

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