Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Happy Halloween!

Last week in October is upon us! I cant believe it!
This week class the students will be doing several Halloween related activities. We are reading stories in both French and English about Halloween. The students will have the chance to carve a pumpkin and estimate the number of pumpkin seeds each pumpkin will have. We will talk about what kind of face we want to carve on our pumpkins which will tie into our health unit of feelings and emotions. The students will also be creating their own Haunted House book. They will have to use their dictionaries to help them with this project. They continue to work on their Family tree. Thanks for sending in the pictures to make this happen. Once finished they will present their tree to the class in French using the proper vocabulary.
In math, we are starting to introduce the concept 1 de plus (1 more than), 1 de moins (1 less than), 2 de plus (2 more than), and 2 de moins (2 less than). I emailed you all a spinner to use at home and a dice that you can put together to practice this concept. Feel free to print out a number line for you child to look at or have manipulatives for them to use.
Science, the students learned that their brain is the power house to their being! All the senses they experience go back to the brain. I included a di in the email last night. Feel free to practice the vocabulary for the 5 senses as well as pointing out when they are using their senses.
In Social Studies, the students are learning how to distinguish groups based on their clothing, language, symbols or culture. We will look at different music from around the world in the next couple of days as another way to distinguish cultures and languages.
I have sent home the fruits and veggies sheet, which lists each students name and date they are to bring in items for the class to try. This is a part of our healthy eating unit as well as French learning the proper names for fruits and vegetables in French. In years past the students end up loving this project and are sad when it is finished. If you are unable to participate please let me know in advance so I may make arrangements for that day. The rule in class is that EVERY student must try the items regardless if they THINK they do not like it. They can spit it out or simply put it on their tongue to give it a try. I have found that once they all see their peers trying new things out, they are more willing to give things a try. Thanks in advance for your support of this project. Note that if you cannot find the items your child has listed, just replace it with something different that is not already on the list.
Friday in class we will have a little Halloween celebration. You may send in a Healthy treat with your child if you wish to do so. If you wish to come in and do a Halloween craft, feel free to let me know and we can arrange a time. Last year I encouraged the parents to dress up to pick up and drop off their child to school to make the day more exciting, feel free to do so! A reminder for Halloween costumes. Your child is responsible for putting on their own costume. If they require make-up please be sure to have applied it before coming to school. Masks are not allowed, nor are weapons of any sort.
If your child is in choir they can purchase a choir t-shirt for 10$. Please send in the money or cheque to Holy name School, with your child's name clearly marked on it.
Library is tomorrow. FYI.
I believe that is it for this week. Have a great week and a super safe Halloween.
Laurie Anne

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