Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Welcome to November!

Welcome back from a long week end everyone. I hope you had a great time out and about with your little trick or treater's! I am sure your children got lots of yummy treats. Please remember to limit the amount of treats that your put in your child's lunch.
This week we are going to take the chance to finish up projects and start our new theme of Fruits and Vegetables. I sent home last week a list with all your children's name on it with a fruit and vegetable for a specific day. Please let me know if you have not received that paper and Ill send along a new one. I hope that your child loves this project and takes advantage of the opportunity to try new things. There will be a booklet that goes home after the project which you can use to help you pack healthy lunches.
In French, we continue to work on phonemic awareness. So far the students have been identifying the beginning sounds of words as well as the ending sounds. This week we are going to look further into syllables as well as what makes up a sentence. Students will be required to identify the number of words in a sentence. They often mistake two or more syllable words for being more than one word. The students have started to work on combined sounds in French. It would be a huge advantage for them if they had the opportunity to practice these at home, look for them in their books or sight words. This will make them more aware and help them decode later on. So far we have covered the following sounds, OU (loup), OI ( oiseau) CH (chat), ON (cochon)
This week in Math students will be focusing on representing numbers with objects. They will then divide the number of objects into two parts. For example 10 blocks, divide them into two parts, 5 on one side and 5 on the other. This them shows them that 5 and 5 make 10 or 5+5=10. This is something very simple you can do at home to help your child start to understand the concept of addition. We continue to also count to 20-1 and have started to count by 10's.
We will be using our senses when tasting the fruits and vegetables, which ties into our new Science theme. Students will learn to identify which part of their taste buds they will be using. We also will be discussing how our senses helps keep us safe.
In social studies, we are looking at the world around us and how we are apart of much more than just a community. Students are starting to learn about the province they live in and the country they are apart of. I will send along some websites for you to play and explore at home that may help.

In English, we are review all letter sounds as well as vowel sounds. They students continue to work on Explode the code at their own pace. We will also be looking at beginning, middle and ending sounds and rhyming words.
In Health, students are learning proper brushing and flossing techniques. I told them a story of when I was young, my dad use to sing to me " Yellow Submarin" by the beatles if I didn't brush my teeth. He said that's what my teeth would look like haha. So when I brush my teeth I hummed the song. They got a kick out that and wanted to see the music video! So I apologize if the end up singing that!
 That's all for now I believe.
Have a great week!

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