Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Cant wait to meet you all!

We made it through our first week of school! I hope everyone is adjusting well and getting into a good routine. The students are starting to get more comfortable and we continue to review classroom rules and routines.

This months theme in French is back to school. Students will learn the names for school supplies and will start to be able to use these new words in sentences. We are looking a letter sounds of the alphabet and have talked about the differences between vowels and consonants. In French, I like to use the Jolly Phonics hand gestures for each letter sound.

In Science, students are starting to learn about colors and will have the opportunity to blend different paint colors together to form others. They will learn that there are dark and light colors as well as colors that can be transparent or opaque.

In Math, students are reviewing number 0-10 in French as well as working on printing numbers correctly. We are also having fun with patterns.

In English, students are learning letter sounds with the aid of sign language. So far we have learned letters A,B,C,D. They are eager to learn all the letters so that they can properly spell their names!

Don't forget to sign up for meet the teacher. You can do so online. Meet the teacher will be on Wednesday from 4:30-7:00, Thursday 4:30-7:00 and Friday morning 8:30-11:30. Please note that these meet and greets are in 10 minute blocks. There will be no classes for students on Friday due to parent teachers. Please have your questionnaires prior to the meet and greet.

Library will be starting this week. It will always be on Day 5 after lunch. Students will rotate between French and English books. I will let you know when they need to be returned in the agenda.

Terry Fox information sheets went home Monday. Our annual walk/run will be on September 30, 2016. You are welcome to join us. Our class will be needing at least 4 volunteers that day to walk around the community. Please let me know if you are available to join us. The permission slips were included in the information sheet that was sent home today.

Please have all scholastic orders passed in for Wednesday September 14th, 2016.
We will be walking to Mass on Wednesday. If you could have a chat to your child about church expectations and sidewalk safety that would be great. They will hear it again from me the morning of as well.

That's all for now. Have a great rest of the week.
Hope to see you all in the next couple of days.

Laurie Anne

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