Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Goble Goble!

Hi everyone,

A huge thank you to those who have started helping their child raise money for Turkey's. We have had some generous donations and the smiles on your children's faces when they come into class and see the box grow is priceless! One boy gave me $5 and told me he had to vacuum his WHOLE house to get it! Haha Another girl told me she looked under the couch cushions and found $2...she assured me she asked if it was OK to take to school and give! Another little boy brought back bottles and with his donation I am sure we can get at least 3 turkeys.

Here is the link to the Drop In if you want to learn more. I encourage you to watch the video's on the main page....you might need some Kleenex.... As a class we watched the first one and we had a great conversation about what we saw. Some students wanted to know if the man lives at the drop in and if we could meet him!


"People aren’t born on the street. Nor do lives have to end there. With help, the Calgary Drop-In & Rehab Centre is where some lives begin."
When I read this quote I could hear my dads voice in my head reminding me to see the good in everyone, to remember that some people aren't as lucky as I am, that when you pass someone on the street who is homeless or down and out on their luck to remember I don't know their life story, their struggles, their hopes, their dreams. I must remember that they are someone's brother, father, uncle, mother, sister, aunt, friend and most importantly they are a human being who loves, feels and wants more for themselves if they only had the means. This is one of the many reasons why for the past 7 years I have done the Turkey drive with my students....everyone deserves a Christmas Turkey.

Report cards will be passed out on Friday November 25th. We are not permitted to passed out before that date. Friday is also Sprit day, students are asked to dress up as a twin. They are to find a friend and wear the same thing if possible. If they cannot find a buddy they can come chat with  me and we can coordinate something.

In French, we will be starting our weekly messages in class. Students will start to read a short message with sight words and simple sentence structures. It will also review sentence structures covered in class, discuss class topics and themes.
We have also been working on putting two sounds together to make words or nonsense words. Some students are having trouble understanding this concept and would benefit from further practice at home, if possible. The fruits and veggies project is going great. We tried pepperocini peppers the other day....my pick which was hilarious. I was surprised at the amount of students who actually liked them.

In English, we have review colors and have started to play games with the words on our word wall. We have been looking at the number of letters in words, vowels, beginning sounds, rhyming words as well as number of syllables. When practicing sight words these are ideas you can practice with them. I have also sent home a sheet with game ideas to help develop their rhyming skills.

We have been reviewing numbers 0-20, especially 11-20 in French. Some students are mixing up the numbers and are not able to identify them out of sequence. We have also been looking at different ways to represent numbers with bingo chips. For example 5 on one side and 4 on the other make a total of 9.

In Social studies, this week we are looking at the different groups we belong to. Students are becoming aware of the community they belong too, their province and city as well as the country they live in. They would benefit from further discussion of the differences between province and country. If you have time it would be great if you could review these two concepts with your child to help them better understand.

This week in Science we are going to learn about our eyesight, the important role it plays in keep us safe. We will also play some tricks on our eyes by looking at optical illusions.

I have sent home the words to our Christmas song. The link will be attached below. Please help your child learn the lyrics. I cant believe our Christmas concert will be on December 8th, that will be here before we all know it.

Version 1: This is what we have been practicing with.
Version 2: I love this one because of the memories it brings me from the great cartoons and movies!...minus Barney...I was never into that show!

The beginning of Advent is on Sunday November 27th. You will receive a special gift from the school to help you enjoy the events. That will be coming home with your child on Friday.

Don't forget to book your interviews online. We will be meeting on Thursday Dec 1 and Friday Dec 2. On both these days Mme Fiona our librarian will have the book fair set up in the gym for you to view books and other treasures.
Our Scholastic orders are due on Thursday Dec 1. If you wish for me to keep these orders to the side as presents just send me a little note and I will be happy to do so. If you need a little more time to place your order let me know also.

One last question....do any of you know how to sew or own a sewing machine.....?? You are probably thinking of dear what has she thought of now......Let me know:)
Have a great week. Hope to see you all soon.

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