Monday, November 28, 2016

Good bye November. Hello December!

Hi everyone,
Wishing you all a happy week. Enjoy the last week of November and let the festivities begin for December.

*** ATTENTION: If any of you spy Allan brand candy canes anywhere please let me know ASAP. These are the brand that we usually sell but have been hard to find. They are nut free, dairy free, gluten free, egg free and so on!
I am looking for volunteers to sell candy canes before and after the Christmas concert. The concert is on December 8th at St. Michael's Church. It will start at 6:30, if you could be there to sell at 6:15 that would be great. The Choir students will sing before hand...not sure of the time yet. Ill let you know once I find out more. If you could let me know or our parent rep Wendy know that would great.

The last week of school before Christmas I am hoping to have some parent volunteers come in and read some of their favorite Christmas stories. If you are interested please let me know.

Scholastics are due Thursday December 1. If you wish to keep them a secret, just put a little note on it so I will know. I will email you once they come in.

Parent Teacher's are Thursday Dec 1 and Friday Dec 2. Please be sure to sign up for a time only line. You will find in your child's report a sheet explaining how to do so. During parent teachers there will be a book fair in the library.
Please be sure to sign the report card envelop and send it back. We re-use them for all three terms.

We had a big week of donation for the Turkey drive! Also stocking stuffers are starting to come in as well as full socks! Its great to see and the kids are excited. We went through all the items in one sock and it was interesting to see them explain why they thought those items where important to the client who will receive them. We have also started to talk about a need and a want in regards to the items in the Christmas stockings. We will also be starting Christmas cards for the D.I as well as for seniors.

On Tuesday we have a parent volunteer coming in to do a Christmas craft with our students. She will be making Christmas pins with us. One will be for the students and the other will be attached to our Christmas cards for seniors as a little gift. If anyone else wishes to come in before Christmas whether to do a craft, make Christmas cookies aka ginger breads or anything else in between feel free to let me. We love having our parents come into our class.

This week in French, we continue to review all letters of the alphabet. We are playing with letter tiles and putting these letters together to make words. We are also looking at how many words we can hear in a sentence. Students are associating the words with bingo chips. (Je mange une pomme= has 4 words) We will then do words that have more than one syllable. They find this tricky and often mix up the syllables for new words. This is something you can practice at home.

In Math, we keep working on numbers 0-20 and the different ways to represent these numbers. We are also playing a matching game, students have numbers and written numbers up to 20 that they have to match. Once we practice a bit in class I will send this home for you to keep practicing. At this time students should start to understand the concept 1 more than, 2 more than, 1 less than, 2 less than. This is something you can help them out with by simply practicing in the car.

Science this week we will continue to focus on our eye sight. We will do a couple of cool experiments. Students will also learn the difference between predators and pray animals based on their eye positions.

Please be sure to practice our Christmas song. There is one part at the beginning that is causing some problems. They are saying "save some Christmas cheer" instead. Once we get the words, we will add actions.
Keep Christmas with you
All through the year,
When Christmas is over,
*You can keep it near.* 
Think of this Christmas day
When Christmas is far away.

That's all for this week. Be sure to sign up for a time on Thursday or Friday to come chat with me. We have no school on Friday because of interviews. Have a great week. See you soon

Laurie Anne :)

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