Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Long time no post! Sorry!

Sorry for the over due post. Hard to believe we are already in the middle of November. This month is going way to fast for me. As you all know with a new month comes a new theme. This months theme is Fruits and veggies. Students will learn the proper French words for fruits/veggies, as well as where they grow, the season they grow. We have already started our project where students get to taste fruits and veggies that are brought in. They are loving it so far! We are also learning about our taste, the different parts of the tongue which is apart of our Science unit for the next couple of weeks.

In French, we are starting to put letter sounds together as well as phonemes. Please be sure to review French letter sounds and names with your child.

In Math, students continue to learn about numbers 1-20 in French. We will be learning the concept 1 de plus (1 more than), 2 de plus (2 more than), 1 de moins ( 1 less than), 2 de moins (2 less than). You can practice this concept at home with your child by rolling a dice, using a deck of cards or counting out objects. To help prepare your child you can start to count by 2,5 and 10 in French with your child.

We will be exploring our different senses in Science, this week we will focus on touch. So far students have learned that our senses are used to protect us from certain dangers. Messages are sent to our brain to help keep us safe and to tell us important information.

In Social Studies, students have been learning how to identify different groups, whether by the clothing they were (uniforms), symbols (maple leaf) language they speak, music and so on. They are encouraged to pay attention to different symbols they see, languages they hear when they are out and about. We will also look at National symbols.

In English, we have started to put sounds together to form new words or nonsense words. We are also paying closer attention to rhyming words we hear in stories. We are also looking at the beginning, middle and ending sounds of words. Please be sure to review English sight words with your child as well as letter and vowel sounds.

Our annual Turkey Drive is just around the corner. Our class will be selling Candy canes at out Christmas concert again this year, which is Dec 8th. I will be looking for volunteers to help sell before and after the concert. If you are interested please let me know. Prior to the Candy cane sales students from my class have done choirs at home, collected bottles and brought in spare change. They are encouraged to this again this year. One boy two years ago sold some of his old toys and donated the money to purchase turkeys. If you are wanting to participate with your child you may send in your spare change and start a choir list right away. We will be collecting the money up until Dec 16.

With the money collected from the candy cane sales we will purchase as many Turkeys as possible which will be donated to the Calgary Drop In Centre again this year. At Christmas the Drop In will see over a 1000 clients. . Last years class purchased 112 turkeys, thanks to our awesome Holy Name community. This will the third time our class has done this Pay it forward project. Our turkeys will be enjoyed on Christmas day and depending on how many we get probably a couple of more times. Our class also will provide Christmas cards that will be put into their clients stockings. If you wish to donate any items for the Christmas Stockings please see the attachment in the email I have sent you.

I believe that is all for now. Have a great week.
Laurie Anne

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