Friday, June 10, 2011

The countdown is on....

Hi everyone,
Well the days are getting nicer and we are coming to an end. I can not believe how quickly it has come. Thank you to everyone who has volunteered for our trip to Shining Waters. If you still want to come along you are more than welcome. A sheet with more information will be sent home later next week. Also I wanted to thank you all for coming to our meet the author night. It was a great success.
We had a lock down practice the other day as most of you probably heard. They did great and were very quiet. Bravo!!

The students got a 100 points for their Respect chart, they all voted on going outside to play soccer baseball. We also had a picnic outside yesterday and played our instruments that we brought in for M (music).
We are continuing our alphabet countdown next week letters are K, J, I,H,G.
K- Kilometre and Kangaroo- Students will walk around the school and jump as kangaroos
J- Jus-Students will be making juice
I- IWK- I ask that you make a voluntary donation to the IWK.I will send the donation on behalf of our class
H-Hockey- Students can wear their favorite hockey jersey and paint their faces the color of their favorite team
G- Gateau- Students will get to have a tasty treat. (If any of you would like to volunteer to make a cake Id be more than happy, the students would probably enjoy it more than mine haha)

I would like to have an old fashion carnival/picnic with students and parents before the end of the year. If you are interested in helping me plan this even please let me know, seeing that we do not have all the much time left to plan.It would be in the last week of June either the 22 or 23.

If you would like to meet with me before the end of the school year, feel free to so soo. Iam available most days from 3:00 to 4:00, just send me a note to let me know when you'd want to get together.

I hope that you all have a great weekend!!
Laurie Anne :)

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