Monday, June 20, 2011

THank you to all of you who brave the cold day at shining waters! The kids enjoyed themselves. I will be collecting all my books from the students on wednesday so please be sure to look around the house just in case you have any as well library books are to be too. I just received an email about a summer reading program at Ecole sur Mer so Iam attaching it. It would be a great continuation of the library club that we have already started. Have a good rest of the week.
TD Summer Reading Club is an event which runs from July to late August in all 26 public libraries on Prince Edward Island.  This is a fun and free way to keep the level of reading among children at its peak. We offer reading groups, time to play, weekly activities, all of these on the theme of water. Splash! is this year's theme. In addition, children  who will visit one of the three French libraries have the opportunity to meet others with whom they can practice their language skills. By entering the group, all children will receive a poster, an activity book and stickers for each week they have read.

I invite you to contact me for any other questions.

Looking forward to read all Summer long.

Jean-François Savaria,, 432-2667

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