Thursday, June 16, 2011

Reminders for Shining Waters

Hi Folks,
We will be going to Shining Waters on Monday. We have some great parent volunteers coming along with us, a big Thank You to them. We will be dividing the class up 3 students to 1 volunteer. I will place all students in groups so you will not have to worry about that.
Somethings to remember before we go are the following.....
Please be sure to put sunscreen on your child before we leave for the parc and send along a bottle with your child so we can re-apply it through out the day.
It would be easiest for all of us if you send your child already dressed in their swimsuits, along with a plastic bag with their change of clothes in it. Do not forget to pack socks and underwear.
They are to pack a lunch and bring along a water bottle that they can fill up if needed. We will be coming back together as a group to eat our lunches.
Also students will not be able to head home with parent volunteers unless they have a written note saying soo.
I will be sending a note home tomorrow with all this information along with the names of volunteers and my cell number so that you will be able to contact me when at the park.
A couple of notes were sent home today one note is about our class picnic along with the idea of having a potluck. Please fill out the sheet and send it back in as soon as you can. We have invited the other grade one class to join us on our carnival day. The other note is a permission slip to walk up to the French School to have a library tour. My class is fairly familiar with the library but we will be joining the other class for this adventure, leaving right after lunch and being back for 2:30. At this time the librarian will discuss the summer reading program that is available there and she will also be doing a read a loud.
For those of you who have not passed in the permission slips for Shining Waters along with the $6.00 Please do so for tomorrow.
Have a great evening.

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