Monday, April 29, 2013

April flurries bring May flowers?

Well I am not sure about you all but I am getting tired of this snow business! I hope the warm weather comes sometime soon.

This week we are looking at words with silent letters at the end, in french we call them les lettres  muettes or les lettres fantomes. I have noticed that some students tend to pronounce the lettres and then get confused with the meaning. For example we do not pronounce the "p" in trop. Most of our sight words this week all have les lettres muettes. In French we are also starting to look at comic books. This week we will compare and note all  the differences between comic books, fiction and non-fiction books. The student will have the chance to write their own comic books in the next couple of weeks. Earth is coming up so we will be brainstorming some ideas on how or what we can do to help our our environment.
In music the students were very excited to start to learn about "STOMP". We had a great introduction and they learned about vibration, amplification, frequency, and volume.

 We are having some success in math as of today. I think I actually saw some light bulbs come on! Great moment! I encourage you to keep working with your child at home on this. Also if you are able to give them a good introduction to double digit subtraction at home it would be very beneficial for them when we will start to learn about it in the next coming week. I also wanted to ask you all if you could help your child with their double and double plus one math facts. I think that some do not have these master yet which is what can be holding them up.
We continue to work on adjectives in English and the students will start to learn about poetry, seeing that April is poetry month. This week we will look at the different styles of poetry and read a couple of poems by Shel Silverstein and Jack Prelutsky. The students will practice their rhyming skills and learn that not all poems have to rhyme.

In science we will be playing with thermometers and getting our hands wet for some of our experiments. This week students will learn the different parts of a thermometer and we will be putting them to the test in bowls of water. We will also be using our hands to measure temperature as well.

 I am hoping to get to the art room sometime this week and work on a spring scene (If it ever comes). The students will be working with water color pencils, which can be super fun.
We keep getting post cards from around the world, a huge thank you for helping us out with this project. That is all for now. I hope things are going good at home, let me know if you need anything from me or just want some ideas on what you can do with your child at home. I am always happy to help you all out in anyway I can.

Chat soon

Laurie Anne




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