Monday, April 29, 2013


I was wondering where all my post have been going! Then today I noticed that I had been writing them on an old blog I started years ago.Oops! So here are my last two post, sorry for the delay.

Hi everyone. I hope you are all staying warm today seeing that it’s snowing! It was great to see some of you at Spring Fling! What a great event. The students sure enjoyed it and it was great to see the community of this school come together!
I cannot believe that April is almost over and we only have two months left of school. This week we are learning about the different types of farm animals, male, female and their babies. The students will learn the proper names of each animal, where they live, the sounds they make and the products they produce. In the following week we will be moving onto insects, the cycle of life and how plants grow. Thanks for sending in the egg cartoons, scrap paper and CD cases. We will be using all theses for projects in the next couple of weeks.

We have started subtraction in class which seems to be going great so far! Fingers crossed that it continues when we start to learn different strategies. Science is coming along and students have learned how to read a thermometer. We did an experiment last week and they were super surprised to see the thermometer rise and fall depending on the temperature of the water. In social studies we will be starting Le travaille (work) from the different areas that we are studying. In English we are having a great time learning about the different types of poems, so far we have learned about Haiku's and started acrostic poems today in French about rain (PLUIE) We have started to play with plasticine or as some say modelling clay last week. The students watched a video on Barbara Reid and the techniques that she uses when creating her illustrations. They also made snakes and will have the chance to make a cat and a spring time seen. In art this week students also had the chance to use water paints to create a rainy day seen, which goes with their acrostic poem PLUIE.
Thank you too all the volunteers for Anne of Green Gables. Hard to believe we are heading there in a months’ time. So to confirm we will be going to the play on Thursday May 30. We have to be at the theatre for 11 am and the play starts at 11:30. It should last 2.5 hours with a question period after. I do not think we will be able to stay for this seeing that we have to be back at school for about 2:50. We will see though, I still have to do a couple of runs on the train myself to get the timing right and so on. We will bring our lunch and snacks with us to eat in the plaza right by the theatre. I was also thinking that if we arrive there with enough time, we might go explore the children’s floor of the library right by the station. Just a thought, we shall see how it all goes.
That’s about it for now. I hope you all enjoy the rest of the week and lets hope that this weather changes soon.
Laurie Anne

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