Friday, October 18, 2013

Count down to the Gala...

Happy Friday to everyone!
Next week in French will will be starting our family trees so please be sure to send in pictures of your family members. I will send home a note on Monday as a reminder but also with a spot for you t correctly spell the family members name. I forgot to do that the first time. We will also be starting our haunted house booklet. We are going to start learning combined letter sounds in French starting with "qu" sounds like "k" this week. Students also continue to learn about vowels and consonants as well as masculin and feminin. As I introduce a new sound students learn how to properly print it, we need a lot of work on how to follow a line of print, staying in between the lines and how to properly space between letters and words. Feel free to work on this at home.

I am hoping to start guided reading next week,it will take some time to teach the students how this works. I base some of my literacy blocks on the daily five. If any of you are interested in it you can learn more about it here: I also bought The cafe when I was in Oregon so that will be my next read, which is by the same authors of the daily five.

In math we continue to work with numbers and learning that we can represent numbers in different ways. Les mots (written word- deux, trois), grille de 10 (10 frames ), les dessins (drawing), les objets (using manipulative's) and les chiffres ( the numbers themselves 2,5,7). Please help your child along by practicing counting 1-20 as well as 20-1 in French. If you can count to 50 please do so. Some ideas to improve their number recognition is to pick out a number out of order and ask your child what it is, if you have 100 chart randomly isolate numbers and ask the what it is or to represent it with macaroni or other objets.

In religion your child is learning "Our Father" they do need practice this and know it by heart so please do so at home. It will be continued for their report card as well as the sign of the cross. This coming week we have morning prayer, where we read over the PA for the whole school. I did have some volunteers so a big thank you to Carter (Monday), Annika(Tuesday), Lucas (Wednesday) Hillary (Thursday). We still need one for Friday. I will send home their prayers that they are reading to practice on Monday.

We have library on Monday so please send those books back in. We are also missing some bully contracts so if you have them send those back in as well. All the reading programs were exchanged today (I hope) so they do not have to be sent in on Monday for an exchange. Mad science starts next week during noon hour and the students who signed up for Young Rembrants have it on Monday after school.Special lunch is on Friday. The harvest moon gala is on Saturday. I hope to see most of you  there, if you still wish to come there is still time to purchase tickets. That's all for now. Have a super week end, be safe and remember to smile!
Laurie Anne :)

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