Thursday, October 17, 2013

Welcome back from a rested week end!

Hi everyone,
Welcome back from a long week end. i hope that you all had a great Thanksgiving and got to spend time with your family. Oregon was great, it made me miss the east coast with all the fall colors, the sand and the mist of the ocean.
This is a little later in the week then I normally post...sorry.
So this is a short week with no school Monday and our field trip on Wednesday. I hope the kids enjoyed themselves. This week we have started to learn Halloween vocabulary which they are loving. We started to work on a simple Halloween story with repative text that the students will take home and practice reading once they are finished. Next week we will be working on creating a haunted house and students will require to pick what Halloween character they want to put in it. This is also a repeative text but the students will be required to work on this more independently then the one we did this week. We are almost through learning the sounds of each letter in the alphabet and their names. Our next step will be combined sounds such as ch, oi and so on. In french we are also learning about members of our family, free to ask your child at home what mom, dad, brother, aunt, oncle or even grand parents are, they should be able to tell you in french. We are also looking at the difference between masculin and feminin words. This is a hard concept to learn in French and it is something they will not master anytime soon. A suggestion for you to work on at home is to put on flash cards the determinant such as un, une, mon, ma, le and la. On another set of flash cards you can put family members such as maman, papa, frere, soeur, grand-maman, grand-papa, onle, tante, cousin, cousine. Have student match up the proper determinant with the word. Here is a list below to help you if you are not sure. Those highlighted in blue are masculin and purple is feminin.
un,le,mon papa
une,la, ma maman
une,la, ma cousine
un,le,mon cousin
un,le,mon frere
une,la, ma soeur
un, l', mon oncle
une, la, ma tante
une,la, ma grand-maman  ( we can also say une grand-mere)
un,le,mon grand-papa        (we can also say un grand- pere) 

Math we continue to count to 50 and are learning how to recognize numbers from 1-10 in the 10s frame. I will be sending home a math game with the number 1-10 on them in written form, numbers and in the 10 frame you can play a match game with your child. They are suppose to be able to recognize numbers 1-10 in a 10 frame in about 3 seconds. They are also learning that there is several different ways to represent numbers-written/mots (deux), en chiffre/number form (8) and by either a 10 frame or using objects.

I will exchange the reading programs tomorrow for all of you.  I did ask my sub to d so however I don't think she did everyone. I will leave all the matching games so far in there for you to practice at home. There should be one on colors, school supplies, and two different Halloween ones. If you do not have enough puzzle pieces just let me know and Ill change them out for a new set. SO to clarify Monday will always be our book exchange. However with the exception of next week, seeing that I am exchanging them tomorrow for you all, we will start the following week. Also please let me know if you would like more books to practice at home. I will try and get us some in both languages. On the blue papers you only have to fill out your child's first attempt at reading the book sent home. I will also try and send one home for their duo-tangs for the french, but for that one I would ask that you record the word they are struggling with and I will help them at school when they arrive.

I am hoping to start my guided reading lessons next week. This is where I will work with groups one on one and teach them different reading strategies, work on word work and so on. the others students in the class at this time will be working in literacy centres independently. Guided reading lessons usually last for 30 mins. It is a process to teach the correct behaviour when working in centers so I will keep you posted on our success. This will also be when you start to see new books in their reading bags in French.

FYI: Tomorrow we will have a practise lock down. I went over it in class on my expectations and how we should be in class during this activity. We also talked about what to do if we are not in the classroom and are unable to get back to class in time before the doors are locked. They all seemed ready and no one was scared, which was great. I will let you know how it goes tomorrow.

Ok thats all for now.
Laurie Anne

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