Tuesday, October 8, 2013

Happy early Thanksgiving!

Hi Everyone,
This week in class we are learning about the different members of our family. I sent home a letter requesting photos of your family members yesterday, if you could send those pictures in by October 16th it would be greatly appreciated. Please send them in a ziplock bag labelled with your childs name on it. You could also put the name of the family members on the back so we know how to properly spell their name once we start our class project. We continue to learn the different letters of the alphabet, their names and the sounds that they make. I am teaching them hand gesters in french that goes along with the jolly phonics program. Feel free to ask your child to demonstrate some actions. Please go over the alphabet with your child. In the up coming weeks I will quiz them on the sounds that each letter makes and the name. The letters will also be a mix of upper and lower class so please review both with yout child. In French we continue to sing songs and go over short stories in class. This week we are learning "Merci" which is for Thanksgiving and Quel temps fait-il?. The students really seem to enjoy singing.
In math we finished up patterns and are now learning about numbers 1-20 in french and how to represent those numbers with objects. Students will learn how to use a 10 frame and are required to set up numbers in rows of 5.
How to represent numbers 1-10.
When representing 11-20 you double the 10 frame.
I will be sending home a math game that you can play and practice with your child that has the number, the number in written form and it represented in the 10 frame. We continue to count orally up to 50 as well in class.
In social studies we are learning how to recongize different groups by the language they speak, symboles and clothing they wear. We are also going to learn the differences between a country and province. Students will learn about the the provinces of canada and their flags.

In religion the students are learning about how to be a good friend and the meaning of giving thanks. They are asked to practice the prayer "Our Father" at home and will have an oral quiz later on in the week. The prayer can be found in their reading program duo-tang.

In art we will be working on Thanksgiving day crafts.
In science they continue to learn about colors and how to mix different colors to make others.
In english they continue to learn about the English sounds letters make in the alphabet and the difference between consonants and vowels.The words of the week in english are: play, do, it, see, me , a. Please go over these with your child at home.
I hope your first night with the reading program went well. I included two matching games that you can play with your child. One is on colors and the other is school supplies. You can also have your child practice putting the words in alphabtical order. (This is a new concept that we did not go over yet in class), having them group the words together according to the number of letters in each word or have them practice saying complete sentences with those words.

The scholastic orders are put in thank you for sending them in. Retake pictures are coming up next week. We do not have school on Monday. Friday October 11 we will have our thanksgiving liturgy so feel free to drop by and join us. Friday is the last day for items for the Gala baskets. I am told now that you can send in any item that would go with the theme, it does not have to be on the list. Some of you still need to send in the Anti-bulling forms as well as permission forms for the field trip. We are still needing some volunteers for next weeks field trip, so please contact me if you are free.
I think that is all! Enjoy your week everyone and I wish you all the most fabulous Thanksgiving with your friends and family.May it be filled with laughter and great memories.
Keep smiling:)
Laurie Anne

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