Friday, October 25, 2013

Happy Gala Week end!

Hi everyone!
|I hope you all had a great week and are looking forward to going to the gala tomorrow night. I am soo hoping that our school raises a ton of money for literacy. I have been asked to speak about the importance of literacy materials in the classroom. Lets hope I do not get too jittery speaking to the crowd. I cannot believe that November is starting at the end of next week. With November comes report card time! I will be doing some in class testing through the week next week and next. I do not call the tests they are more so quiz's in my room. I will be checking to see their sight word recognition in both French and English as well as for the alphabet, the letter names and sounds.
We still did not get the chance to work on our family tree projects. I am hoping to start those next week. We did finish out Halloween pumpkin booklets and are working on finishing up our haunted houses.
During story time we are learning about books, why they have a cover, title page, who is the author and illustrator, where to find their names on the cover. We are really focusing on making story predictions before and during the text. I also love getting their opinion on how they would resolve the problem or conflict in the book. When we are finished we review what we read and I try to ask them the 5 W's-who, what, when,where,why. Feel free to try this at home, its great to hear their answers and it helps them with story comprehension. you could also work on sequencing and talk about the events that took place in the book and have them retell you the story in order.
For the month of November we will be learning  about fruits and vegetables in french, parts of the body and domestic animals. Every year I like to do a class project that involves the students getting the chance to taste different fruits and vegetables. This requires your support. I send out a sheet with your child's name on it with a certain fruit/vegetable on a certain date, you are asked to send in enough for 19 students, already cut up. Your child will have the chance to try and then we will write in our fruit and veggies book about whether we liked what we tried or not. This book is sent home once we are finished and can help you out when trying to make healthier snack choices. I will send the information home next week in more detail. If you have any questions let me know.

Halloweeeeennnn is approaching and fast! EEeeek! We will be having a Halloween party in class but also will be joining the other three grade one classes for centres. Mme Marie- Christine has taking the lead in preparing this activity and I do believe she will need volunteers. If you are interested please email me. If you also wish to send in a nut free treat with your child that would be great, healhy snacks are more than welcomed. (cheese tray, fruit/veggies...) If you have any fun ideas for Halloween centres please also let me know.

Reminders of the week
Reading program exchanged on Monday, please send them in.
All Terry Fox pledge forms are due on Monday.
Anti-bullying contracts are still due for those who have yet to pass them in.
Christian action assemble is Thursday at 9:30
Library is on Tuesday
Mad science -Tuesday and Wednesday
Halloween Party Thursday
Friday no school- Faith Day for teachers

I hope to see you all at the Gala tomorrow night if not have a super week end.
Laurie Anne

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