Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Bravo parents!!

Hi everyone,
First of all I have to say a huge MERCI to all of you who have helped to fill our classroom Gala basket! Last week we had 12 items remaining and today we have none! Thank you so much for this. The students are pretty proud too! You still have time as well to get your tickets to the Gala if you have not yet. Ill be there with Mike, ready to bid on some awesome baskets and prizes.

I hope you all had a great long week end with your family! I had a great time on PEI. I love the island in the fall, it has so many more colors than Calgary gets. As you may have heard I was not in school Tuesday. We missed our flight back, we mixed up the times!!! So Monday we had quite the adventure to get back here on time. We ended up in 5 provinces LOL, it was all worth it though.

This week is almost over so here is what is going on so far. We have started our family trees, we are still missing some family pictures. I wrote most of you a note in the agenda letting you know. I am hoping to finish them this week and start to present them next week.  We are also going to start to learn about Halloween vocabulary. We will have finished all the sounds of the letters in the alphabet this week and will be moving onto double French sounds. They can be a little tricky and should be reviewed regularly.

I have started to get your child's reading packages together. I was hoping to send them home this week, but missing my flight has put me a day behind. I am hoping to come in on the week end to get them ready. In the package there will be 4 French books in there own courier bag to be returned everyday. In another courier bag there will be 1 French book with the stories of the week, 2 English books (photocopy books, if I can get my hands on colored books Ill send those home) 1 French book from the oui, oui, oui collection. With this collection you will get a CD, which can stay home until the end of June. There will also be puzzle pieces, please be sure to count them once you are finished using them. If all the pieces are not returned your check will be cashed to replace the missing pieces. This package can stay at home until the following Monday. We will exchange every Monday. If you haven't read the books just let me know and I can re-send them home for that week. I also like to try and add some games that you can play at home, so look for those also.
I have to say that all your children are super excited to learn how to read in French. We practiced today and talked about picking the right books, that it is ok if you are not on the same level as someone else. We also talked about how they are responsible for themselves and their learning. It was great to hear some of their comments.

Friday is student faith day. There will be events planned all day based around this special day. They are asking if the students still have their blue bracelets from last years Faith Day to wear them to school on Friday. This years theme is "Love Kindness'.

I am looking for any volunteers who may want to help me is very peaceful least I like to think it is. I need someone to help cut some laminate. There's a lot there and I wont be done until November if I do it all by myself. If you are interested in taking it home with you and cutting it up for me please let me know!

Also if anyone wants to come in the next couple of weeks to do a Halloween craft or read some Halloween stories, we would love to have you!!

I think that is all for this week.
Laurie Anne :)

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