Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Happy Turkey day!

Hi everyone,
Sorry for the late posting! We have a short week this week seeing that Friday is an PD day. I am off to the wonderful PEI for thanksgiving....yes only for 3 days but you just cant beat thanksgiving on the island, the smell of the leaves, the different colors and spending it with your family. The students are super excited that I am going because I will be bring back Dimoitou. He was my class puppet that I had in PEI. He is quite the traveler and has been to Italy, Africa, different parks of Alberta and BC. I am sure you will hear all about it when he arrives.

This week we continue to learn about the members in our family. The students have been learning about when you use une, la, un and le. "Une" and "la" are feminine words so they are used when talking about maman, soeur, tante, grand-maman. "Un" and "le" are used when talking about papa, frère, oncle, grand-papa. We will start our family tree next week. I think I am only waiting a couple of other students to bring in their family pictures. Once we complete the family tree, the students will present them in class, in French! They will receive a mark for their presentation. Feel free to practice at home with them. The can use the following structure. "Voici ma maman. Elle s'appelle.....", Voici ma petite soeur, Voici mon grand frère." They will need to do this for every member of the family. For those who want they can also add the age. "Ma maman est....ans"

The students continue to write in their French journals. They are working on writing a proper sentence, starting it with an upper case letter and finishing it with a period. We are also working on following a line of print and making sure not to add an upper case in the middle of their sentences.

Math, the students continue learn about numbers 1-20 and how to recognize the written form. We have started to count by 10 up to 100 and are learning about place value. I encourage you all to practice counting at home as high as they can and writing the numbers now so that they can work on their reversals.

In health we are going over proper hand washing and when to wash our hands. Please go over this at home with your child.

Things to remember....
Our thanksgiving liturgy is Thursday October 9th at 2h00. You are all invited to attend.
The food bags are to be returned tomorrow October 9th, (sorry I didn't get them to you sooner)
**We still have 12 items remaining on our list to complete our classroom basket. The Gala has put a call out for more donations, and they would also like to remind all parents that they have just one more week remaining to collect items. The Gala is November 1st. I hope you all got your tickets, its funny and you could get yourselves some great prizes! They also have auctions you can bid on, whether by yourselves or with other parents. Last year some parents pooled their money to get their child's class and extra fieldtrip ;) I also went to see a play with one girl I taught and her sister. It was great.  Here is the link to the Gala basket if you are not sure what to get or sign up for.
If you cannot access it you can find the link to it on the school's webpage.

Thanks all for now. I wish you all a happy safe thanksgiving week end. May you spend it all with those you love and get out to enjoy the fresh air. See you all next week.
Laurie Anne

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