Monday, October 20, 2014

Happy monday everyone!

Happy Monday!
I have sent home the reading packages today! I have explained to the students what is in there, how it works and when it is to be returned to school. I also gave them the option to take home their French reading packages to practice every night. With those though, they must be returned back to school everyday for silent reading time. You are more than welcomed to encourage your child to do so!!! Only a few decided to take there books home today. If you have any questions on the reading packages please let me know, id be happy to help you out. Please return them Monday October 27, 2014.

In French, we are starting to learn double sounds (ou, oi, on) we are also starting to play with putting different sounds together to form words or non-sense words. This can be great fun! If you have magnet letters at home or even a white board you can do this at home. We have been working on beginning letter sounds of words. For  example: if Madame says bateau, what is the first sound you hear? (b) Do you know another word that starts with that sounds? This can be fun to try with your child, it is a great indicator for you, to see if they know their sounds and are able to hear them in words. You can also try middle and ending sounds. Its easy to do in the car too!
We have started centers in class today. They are literacy based centers focusing on what we have previously covered in class. The centers change every two weeks. This week they have a focus on body parts, family, colors and letters.  During this time I will be doing guided reading. I hope to start this in the next couple of weeks once we have established a routine. I have started my evaluations for the report card. Some of the things your child will be asked are the letter sounds, names, to respond correctly to questions in French. For example: Comment t'appelle tu? Quel age as-tu?

In math, we started to count to 50 and by 10. We have also started to learn about 1 de plus (1 more than) and 1 de moins (1 less than) This has caused some confusion for some students. If you have a chance please go over this concept with your child at home. ( Show me 6. What is one more than 6? What is one less than 6?) We have been using manipulatives to help with the concept. We are doing great counting on from 1- 20, however are having trouble identifying numbers out of sequence. This is something you can help out at home. If you have a number line or by simply writing a number down and having your child say the number in French. We are starting to use ten frames to represent numbers. This helps your child visually associate the number set up in groups of 5.

In social studies, we continue to look at how to identify different groups, whether it be by their clothing, language they speak or different symbols. Once we finish this we will be moving onto our rights and responsibilities.

Science we continue to explore colors. In the next couple of days we will take a look at the different hair colors in our class as well as eye color.

Things to keep in mind this week....
You still have time to get your Gala tickets if you have not yet. We had a parent donate their tickets to a family who might not otherwise be able to afford to attend. WOW! Thank you for doing that!
Choir is Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday at 10h15
Gala basket winners for the pizza party will be tomorrow.
Christian action Friday at 9h30
** There is a parent information night at Our Lady of Assumption school) Wednesday on Mood regulation, anxiety, anger and sleep issues starting at 7h30pm**
Reading packages are to be returned Monday October 27|

That is all for now! Have a super week!
Laurie Anne :)

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