Sunday, October 26, 2014

Happy Halloween!

I can not believe that we are into the last week of October! EEeek how the time is going fast. We have a very busy week this week. A lot of things are going on in school.

On Monday afternoon the students will be attending a play based on the life of Emilie Carr. This will be most of the afternoon. there is young Rembrandts after school for those who are taking art lessons.

On Tuesday we have Mme Elaine is coming in to do an art project with our class for the Gala. Elaine has been a great addition to our school community. For those of you who do not know who she is I will give you a quick rundown. Elaine was a guest speaker last year at our Faith day for the students. She was born with a rare brittle bone disease which had her spend the first 5 years of her life in a hospital and the rest of her life in a wheel chair. Despite her small size Elaine has a huge personality, she is filled with zest and life and has a super awesome sense of style. She was asked last year to come and share her artistic talents with the students and her experiences in life. The students loved having her, so she is back this year. Elaine teaches our students so much just by being present in our school. Also Mad Science is on Tuesday at lunch for grade one and choir is at little recess.

We have music class with Mme Wilma on Wednesday. The students are loving music class with her and are singing along to all the songs!  Thursday is a big day for us. We have our pizza party at lunch so it is not necessary to pack your child a lunch, only a snack. If your child does not want any pizza please send them with a lunch. They are also aloud to wear their Halloween costume on Thursday. Holy Name has some rules in regards to costumes. Please no violent costumes, no masks, no swords, guns, knives. If your child's costumes requires make-up please be sure to apply at home. I cannot apply anything for them. We will have a class celebration at the end of the day. If you want you may send in a healthy treat for the students. Terry Fox donations are also due on Thursday. Not sure if you heard or not but Mr. Desrocher has challenged the students to collect more money than last year. If they reach that goal he will shave or wax his legs. Even if you donated on line I still need the forms back, so that we may tally the grand total. I also want to throw it out there how great it would be for those parents who pick up their children to maybe pick them up in a costume at the end of the day. It would be a great surprise for them!

We have no school on Friday because all the teachers are at the Faith Day convention. I hope you all have a super safe and fun Halloween night. There are lots of fun activities taking place all over the city this coming week end.

So that's all the news on what's happening at school, so lets get to things in class. We are going to be working on a couple of writing assignments in class based on Halloween. I am hoping to finish up our Science unit on colors and moving on the the 5 sens. In math, we are going to focus on correct number formation, especially when we get to higher numbers. Some students have been writing 02 for 20 and 12,32,42 when counting past 20 and higher. They are aware, but just need a little extra practice.  In social studies, we are taking a look at  school plans, how to follow a map and how to create a map of our classroom. In health class, students have been learning about proper hand washing. We are finishing up that unit and will move on the importance of brushing your teeth and how to keep them healthy by eating less sweets. Great timing seeing that Halloween is just around the corner.

Next months theme the students will be learning about fruits and vegetables. In the past I have done a project that involves your corporation. I am hoping to do it again this year. The students love it and the feed back I have received from the parents in the past has been nothing but positive. I have assigned each student a fruit/vegetable to bring into class on a particular day for the month of November. The deal is that the students all must try what is brought in, unless an allergy. They then will write in a book whether they liked what they have tried or not. Once they have finished trying everything on the list, the books are sent home for you to look over. It is an easy way to see what your child likes, so that making snacks/ lunches can be a little easier. It also saves you from trying out pomegranates for example to see if they like them or not. I will get the list out to you for Thursday. Feel free to add anything to the list or if you cannot find what you have been give to replace it with something else that is not on the list. Calgary has a lot more options out there than PEI did so I look forward to seeing what you might suggest or bring in. I will take care of the first couple of days in November. If you are unable to participate that's ok too, just let me know so I can make arrangements to get what is needed for that day.

That's all folks, a lot of info here! I wish you all a fabulous week! Happy Halloween.
Laurie Anne

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