Monday, December 12, 2016

Count begins

Hi everyone,
Thanks for all your support at the Christmas concert last week. A big thank you to all the volunteers who helped out. We have collected almost $2000.00! I still have to go out and buy over 800 more candy canes to fill all the class orders. Once I have them all bought I will get the turkeys. I will let you know when we are picking them up if you want to join us load the truck. Its always great to see the students hold the turkeys. They are soo proud of themselves.

If you have any other items for the Christmas stockings please send them in by Wednesday. Thank you again for your support on this pay it forward project. I went to dollarama and bought a bunch of Christmas stockings to sewing machine idea didn't pan out for us to actually make the stockings ourselves....maybe next year. So far we have 10 filled stockings and a lot more to fill with items.

Tuesday is ginger bread house making day for those students who have signed up to help support our sister school breakfast program,. Students will head to the gym at 11 am and work in small groups to build their houses. Once finished they can purchase any houses for a donation. All proceeds will go to the program.

Sandwich day is on Wednesday. Students will work together to make as many sandwiches throughout the day. We will be making them together with our BFG (Big family champions). Our groups will go in the morning. If you have not filled out the green permission form yet please do so and send it in.

On Thursday the 15th we will have the felting lady who will be joining us to make a Christmas art project. We are in need of one more volunteer to join us that day, if you are available and want to join please let us know. Students will be using special felting needles. If you could have a chat with your child prior about needle safety that will help us out on Thursday.

I cannot believe next week is the last week before Christmas holidays....I am not ready but soo ready at the same time. I need to get some shopping done. We will celebrate together on Wednesday December 21. I will not be at school the 22nd Mme Joanne will be here for me, seeing that I will be making me way east already. The last couple of days before break we like to dress up and celebrate the season.
Monday December 19- Students can dress as Christmas elves
Tuesday December 20- Students can dress as Christmas presents
Wednesday December 21- Students can dress as Santa, Mrs. Claus or a Christmas tree
Thursday December 22- Its spirit day for the whole school, students are asked to wear PJ's

There is a liturgy on December 20th you are welcome to join.

I will be sending home a reading challenge for the students to fill out over the holidays. It is encouraged that you read but I totally get it if you cant make that happen ;) If you are to participate please send it back in the new year.

I believe that is all for this week. Stay warm.

Monday, November 28, 2016

Good bye November. Hello December!

Hi everyone,
Wishing you all a happy week. Enjoy the last week of November and let the festivities begin for December.

*** ATTENTION: If any of you spy Allan brand candy canes anywhere please let me know ASAP. These are the brand that we usually sell but have been hard to find. They are nut free, dairy free, gluten free, egg free and so on!
I am looking for volunteers to sell candy canes before and after the Christmas concert. The concert is on December 8th at St. Michael's Church. It will start at 6:30, if you could be there to sell at 6:15 that would be great. The Choir students will sing before hand...not sure of the time yet. Ill let you know once I find out more. If you could let me know or our parent rep Wendy know that would great.

The last week of school before Christmas I am hoping to have some parent volunteers come in and read some of their favorite Christmas stories. If you are interested please let me know.

Scholastics are due Thursday December 1. If you wish to keep them a secret, just put a little note on it so I will know. I will email you once they come in.

Parent Teacher's are Thursday Dec 1 and Friday Dec 2. Please be sure to sign up for a time only line. You will find in your child's report a sheet explaining how to do so. During parent teachers there will be a book fair in the library.
Please be sure to sign the report card envelop and send it back. We re-use them for all three terms.

We had a big week of donation for the Turkey drive! Also stocking stuffers are starting to come in as well as full socks! Its great to see and the kids are excited. We went through all the items in one sock and it was interesting to see them explain why they thought those items where important to the client who will receive them. We have also started to talk about a need and a want in regards to the items in the Christmas stockings. We will also be starting Christmas cards for the D.I as well as for seniors.

On Tuesday we have a parent volunteer coming in to do a Christmas craft with our students. She will be making Christmas pins with us. One will be for the students and the other will be attached to our Christmas cards for seniors as a little gift. If anyone else wishes to come in before Christmas whether to do a craft, make Christmas cookies aka ginger breads or anything else in between feel free to let me. We love having our parents come into our class.

This week in French, we continue to review all letters of the alphabet. We are playing with letter tiles and putting these letters together to make words. We are also looking at how many words we can hear in a sentence. Students are associating the words with bingo chips. (Je mange une pomme= has 4 words) We will then do words that have more than one syllable. They find this tricky and often mix up the syllables for new words. This is something you can practice at home.

In Math, we keep working on numbers 0-20 and the different ways to represent these numbers. We are also playing a matching game, students have numbers and written numbers up to 20 that they have to match. Once we practice a bit in class I will send this home for you to keep practicing. At this time students should start to understand the concept 1 more than, 2 more than, 1 less than, 2 less than. This is something you can help them out with by simply practicing in the car.

Science this week we will continue to focus on our eye sight. We will do a couple of cool experiments. Students will also learn the difference between predators and pray animals based on their eye positions.

Please be sure to practice our Christmas song. There is one part at the beginning that is causing some problems. They are saying "save some Christmas cheer" instead. Once we get the words, we will add actions.
Keep Christmas with you
All through the year,
When Christmas is over,
*You can keep it near.* 
Think of this Christmas day
When Christmas is far away.

That's all for this week. Be sure to sign up for a time on Thursday or Friday to come chat with me. We have no school on Friday because of interviews. Have a great week. See you soon

Laurie Anne :)

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Goble Goble!

Hi everyone,

A huge thank you to those who have started helping their child raise money for Turkey's. We have had some generous donations and the smiles on your children's faces when they come into class and see the box grow is priceless! One boy gave me $5 and told me he had to vacuum his WHOLE house to get it! Haha Another girl told me she looked under the couch cushions and found $2...she assured me she asked if it was OK to take to school and give! Another little boy brought back bottles and with his donation I am sure we can get at least 3 turkeys.

Here is the link to the Drop In if you want to learn more. I encourage you to watch the video's on the main might need some Kleenex.... As a class we watched the first one and we had a great conversation about what we saw. Some students wanted to know if the man lives at the drop in and if we could meet him!

"People aren’t born on the street. Nor do lives have to end there. With help, the Calgary Drop-In & Rehab Centre is where some lives begin."
When I read this quote I could hear my dads voice in my head reminding me to see the good in everyone, to remember that some people aren't as lucky as I am, that when you pass someone on the street who is homeless or down and out on their luck to remember I don't know their life story, their struggles, their hopes, their dreams. I must remember that they are someone's brother, father, uncle, mother, sister, aunt, friend and most importantly they are a human being who loves, feels and wants more for themselves if they only had the means. This is one of the many reasons why for the past 7 years I have done the Turkey drive with my students....everyone deserves a Christmas Turkey.

Report cards will be passed out on Friday November 25th. We are not permitted to passed out before that date. Friday is also Sprit day, students are asked to dress up as a twin. They are to find a friend and wear the same thing if possible. If they cannot find a buddy they can come chat with  me and we can coordinate something.

In French, we will be starting our weekly messages in class. Students will start to read a short message with sight words and simple sentence structures. It will also review sentence structures covered in class, discuss class topics and themes.
We have also been working on putting two sounds together to make words or nonsense words. Some students are having trouble understanding this concept and would benefit from further practice at home, if possible. The fruits and veggies project is going great. We tried pepperocini peppers the other pick which was hilarious. I was surprised at the amount of students who actually liked them.

In English, we have review colors and have started to play games with the words on our word wall. We have been looking at the number of letters in words, vowels, beginning sounds, rhyming words as well as number of syllables. When practicing sight words these are ideas you can practice with them. I have also sent home a sheet with game ideas to help develop their rhyming skills.

We have been reviewing numbers 0-20, especially 11-20 in French. Some students are mixing up the numbers and are not able to identify them out of sequence. We have also been looking at different ways to represent numbers with bingo chips. For example 5 on one side and 4 on the other make a total of 9.

In Social studies, this week we are looking at the different groups we belong to. Students are becoming aware of the community they belong too, their province and city as well as the country they live in. They would benefit from further discussion of the differences between province and country. If you have time it would be great if you could review these two concepts with your child to help them better understand.

This week in Science we are going to learn about our eyesight, the important role it plays in keep us safe. We will also play some tricks on our eyes by looking at optical illusions.

I have sent home the words to our Christmas song. The link will be attached below. Please help your child learn the lyrics. I cant believe our Christmas concert will be on December 8th, that will be here before we all know it.

Version 1: This is what we have been practicing with.
Version 2: I love this one because of the memories it brings me from the great cartoons and movies!...minus Barney...I was never into that show!

The beginning of Advent is on Sunday November 27th. You will receive a special gift from the school to help you enjoy the events. That will be coming home with your child on Friday.

Don't forget to book your interviews online. We will be meeting on Thursday Dec 1 and Friday Dec 2. On both these days Mme Fiona our librarian will have the book fair set up in the gym for you to view books and other treasures.
Our Scholastic orders are due on Thursday Dec 1. If you wish for me to keep these orders to the side as presents just send me a little note and I will be happy to do so. If you need a little more time to place your order let me know also.

One last any of you know how to sew or own a sewing machine.....?? You are probably thinking of dear what has she thought of now......Let me know:)
Have a great week. Hope to see you all soon.

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Long time no post! Sorry!

Sorry for the over due post. Hard to believe we are already in the middle of November. This month is going way to fast for me. As you all know with a new month comes a new theme. This months theme is Fruits and veggies. Students will learn the proper French words for fruits/veggies, as well as where they grow, the season they grow. We have already started our project where students get to taste fruits and veggies that are brought in. They are loving it so far! We are also learning about our taste, the different parts of the tongue which is apart of our Science unit for the next couple of weeks.

In French, we are starting to put letter sounds together as well as phonemes. Please be sure to review French letter sounds and names with your child.

In Math, students continue to learn about numbers 1-20 in French. We will be learning the concept 1 de plus (1 more than), 2 de plus (2 more than), 1 de moins ( 1 less than), 2 de moins (2 less than). You can practice this concept at home with your child by rolling a dice, using a deck of cards or counting out objects. To help prepare your child you can start to count by 2,5 and 10 in French with your child.

We will be exploring our different senses in Science, this week we will focus on touch. So far students have learned that our senses are used to protect us from certain dangers. Messages are sent to our brain to help keep us safe and to tell us important information.

In Social Studies, students have been learning how to identify different groups, whether by the clothing they were (uniforms), symbols (maple leaf) language they speak, music and so on. They are encouraged to pay attention to different symbols they see, languages they hear when they are out and about. We will also look at National symbols.

In English, we have started to put sounds together to form new words or nonsense words. We are also paying closer attention to rhyming words we hear in stories. We are also looking at the beginning, middle and ending sounds of words. Please be sure to review English sight words with your child as well as letter and vowel sounds.

Our annual Turkey Drive is just around the corner. Our class will be selling Candy canes at out Christmas concert again this year, which is Dec 8th. I will be looking for volunteers to help sell before and after the concert. If you are interested please let me know. Prior to the Candy cane sales students from my class have done choirs at home, collected bottles and brought in spare change. They are encouraged to this again this year. One boy two years ago sold some of his old toys and donated the money to purchase turkeys. If you are wanting to participate with your child you may send in your spare change and start a choir list right away. We will be collecting the money up until Dec 16.

With the money collected from the candy cane sales we will purchase as many Turkeys as possible which will be donated to the Calgary Drop In Centre again this year. At Christmas the Drop In will see over a 1000 clients. . Last years class purchased 112 turkeys, thanks to our awesome Holy Name community. This will the third time our class has done this Pay it forward project. Our turkeys will be enjoyed on Christmas day and depending on how many we get probably a couple of more times. Our class also will provide Christmas cards that will be put into their clients stockings. If you wish to donate any items for the Christmas Stockings please see the attachment in the email I have sent you.

I believe that is all for now. Have a great week.
Laurie Anne

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Happy Halloween!!

The countdown is on until Halloween!
On Monday we carved pumpkins!! The kids had a great time! They had to estimate how many seeds were in each pumpkin, we observed the shape and size and talked about what kind of faces we wanted to carve on them. They worked together to come up with some great faces.

This week we have a lot planned and a lot to finish up. We are almost done our family tree's and will do a few finishing touches on them. We continue to present our puzzle pieces but for some its a struggle to remember all the details. Its a great idea to practice at home or write little reminders or notes that the child can use to help them out. We have started our haunted house which was a big hit. They quietly worked away and groaned when I told them it was time to clean up!

 In Math, the students will get to make a Halloween patterning belt, which should be fun. We are also looking at different ways to represent the same number. Some students are having difficulty with this concept and it is something you can work on at home. For example have your child show you 5 objects. Maybe they line them up side by side, now ask them to show 5 a different way, maybe like on a dice. Point out to them that the number hasn't changed, just the way they placed them.

We are also working an Art project for the Gala, which will be on display the night of the Gala. You can take home your child's art and are encouraged to make a small donation to the school for it.

A final reminder to send in a glass jar by Wednesday so that your child may participate in the Art activity planned. For those of you who already have, thank you!

Next months theme is just around the corner. The students will be learning about fruits and vegetables. This class project is always a huge success for both the parents and the students. It does however involve your corporation and support. I am hoping for another successful year of getting students to try new things with a little positive peer pressure! I have assigned each student a fruit/vegetable to bring into class on a particular day for the month of November. The deal is that the students all must try what is brought in, unless an allergy. It has to touch their tongue! If they want to spit it out they are free to do so, at least they tried it. They then will write in a book whether they liked what they have tried or not.  I also have in the back of the mind something techy but I am not sure how it will work out. Ill keep you posted. Once they have finished trying everything on the list, the books are sent home for you to look over. It is an easy way to see what your child likes, so that making snacks/ lunches can be a little easier. It also saves you from trying out pomegranates for example to see if they like them or not. The list will be sent home this week. Feel free to add anything to the list or if you cannot find what you have been give to replace it with something else that is not on the list. Calgary has a lot more options out there than PEI did so I look forward to seeing what you might suggest or bring in. I will take care of the first couple of days. If you are unable to participate that's ok too, just let me know so I can make arrangements to get what is needed for that day. To make our life in grade one easier, we would love it if you sent in the items cut up and prepared for 22 students. Don't worry about napkins I got that covered. Thanks in advance for your support.

We will have our Halloween celebration on Friday afternoon. Students are allowed to wear their Halloween costumes. Please no masks or weapons. If your child's costumes involves make-up please be sure to apply it at home. If you wish to send in a healthy Halloween treat please feel free to do so. We have some fabulous parents who have volunteered their time on Friday afternoon. and we are looking forward to all the fun they have planned for us.

For Fridays lunch we have a parent who will be making the students soup. Please send in a bowl along with a spoon. Here are the ingredients below. You may also want to send in a little something just in case. Only lunch is provided so please send in their snacks.

The soup is from scratch using the following ingredients:
Butternut squash
Apples or pear 
Apple juice (i juice it myself)
Ground pepper
Cilantro on top  

Our class will be doing November's Remembrance Day Liturgy on November 10th. Please if you have time practice their song at home. Mme Holly is teaching them the actions to go with the song.

Here are the link:  (This is the hand signs)

Just a reminder that we do not have school on Monday Oct 31 (Be safe and have fun trick or treating)
No school on Tuesday either- Teachers have their Faith Day.

I hope to see you all dressed in your Halloween best on Friday if you drop off or pick up your child! They have been talking about it in class since last week!
Have a great week end and a safe Halloween!
See you next week.
Laurie Anne

Monday, October 17, 2016

Skinnamarink ....

Hi everyone,
I am soo looking forward to this week! Mainly because I get to go see Sharon, Bram and Friends...I mean the students get to go see them! They have asked the students to get familiar with a couple of their songs so that they may join in. I will attach the links below feel free to practice at home and get these tunes stuck in your head. -Skinnamarink -Fish and Chips and Vinegar - Jennie Jenkins -PB &jelly

In French we continue to learn about members of our family. If you have not done so yet please fill in the names of family members on the green sheet and send in individual pictures of each member. Please keep in mind we will be cutting these to make our family tree. We will start putting our family trees together on Friday October 21 so please make sure your child has their photos.
We have also started to learn our Halloween vocabulary and next week will be making our own haunted house books. We continue to review letter sounds and are starting to learn about combined letter sounds in French such as "on" like in cochon. Please review letter sounds with your child.
Here is a link....not the greatest!!!! But it will give the students a head start on learning combined sounds.

In Science, we will be starting our 5 senses unit. More to come about that one.

Thanks for helping out with the puzzle pieces in Social Studies. The students like presenting them. We continue to present them to the class. If you child has not completed there's please help them do so and send in by Friday.

We still have some Gala basket items that need filling please be sure to check them out if you have not already donated. The link is below if you have not already checked it out. It will  be on Nov 5th this year. A piece of your child's art will also be used as decoration and available to pick up the evening of Nov 5th. Gala items are due Friday October 21,2016!!

On Friday we will have a guest speaker coming into class to discuss the importance of hand washing. This will take place in the afternoon right after lunch. We have already started to chat about this in health.

Still looking for glass jars! If you have not sent one in with your child please do so for next week. Thanks.

Terry Fox donations are due Friday. Please send in the slips.
Sharon, Bram and Friends Wednesday Oct 19th
Family pictures due Friday Oct 21
Glass jars for next week
Music this week- Tuesday & Thursday
Hand washing presentation Friday Oct 21

That's all for now.
Have a great week.

Monday, October 3, 2016

Hello Fall!

Happy Fall everyone!
I love this time of the year, the smells, the colors and the crisp air....however I find here winter comes a little too fast after all that October goodness.
We have a short week this week and next. There is no school on Friday for students but lucky teachers get to learn new things on their PD day. We also do not have school on Monday because its Thanksgiving. I hope you all have a wondering time with your families and get to eat some delicious food!

With a new month comes a new theme and classroom arrangement. Each month I like to move the desks and place the students by different students. This month the students are in three groups and will be working as a team to collect points. They get points for listening, following instructions, being king, helpful and so on. At the end of the month we will compare the points and the group with the most will win a little something.

Our class theme this month is "En automne avec ma famille" ( In fall with my family). This theme explores the family and all things autumn. Students will be learning vocabulary related to members of the family. They will be assigned a class project to put together their family tree. You will receive more information on that next week. We will also learn about body parts, continue to build on colors and school supply vocabulary. In the last couple of weeks before Halloween the students will learn vocabulary and put together their own haunted house booklet. Grammar topics raised will be the use of pronouns and the construction of a basic sentence.

In Math, we are finishing up patterns and have a quiz to review what we have learned. We then will be starting numbers 0-10. Students will learn how to recognize the written form, represent numbers with objects and to correctly print the numerals.

In Science, we have a few more science experiments left to do with color but will be moving onto our 5 senses. You can help your child out by talking about their 5 senses before we start the unit to give them a heads up.

In Social Studies, we are looking at groups and the many ways to identify different groups whether it be by clothing, symbols, language or so on. I will be sending home a puzzle piece project this week to be completed at home. This is the first piece of many puzzle pieces that will be sent home. This one is all about the students name and their origins. There will be a letter attached to help you out.

I hope the reading packages went well last week. They students were proud of their reading accomplishments. I heard all about it and over heard them talking to friends about how many books they read. Keep up the great work supporting your child! Please note to record both French and English titles as this will help the parent volunteer with making sure your child does not receive the same books. Also some did not remember to record the title of the book please do so.

Please be sure to check your child's agenda an important note went home today in regards to lice in our classroom. You will also find a plastic bag for food donations to Holly Name cares. Please if you wish to donate send bags back in by Thursday.

I have a special favor to ask to help me Monday mornings...If you could move your child's book marker in the agenda to the correct week that would really help me with time. If you forget no worries. I would appreciate it though.:)

We will be having a lock down practice sometime this week. Please have a chat with your child about appropriate behavior and expectations. I will review what we have discussed in class also.

Here are a few reminders for the week:
Scholastics Orders are due Thursday October 6th
Thanksgiving Liturgy will be Thursday October 6th at 2pm. You are welcome to join.
Library is on Wednesday October 5th
No School Friday October 7th
No School Monday October 10th

That's all for this week.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Where has September gone?

Hi everyone,
I hope you all had a great week end! The weather was great. I hope it sticks around for weeks to come.

Reading packages will be sent home Monday September 26, 2016. For those of you who were not at Parent reading night. Please send in a post dated check (June 15,2017) in the amount of $15.00. The check is made out to Holy Name School. This check will be returned to you in June depending on if your child returned the reading CD and did not lost any puzzle pieces.
Look through the reading packages and if you have any questions about what you find in there, please feel free to contact me. Remember to fill out the reading log for their first attempt only. You do not have to record every time they read the book. Reading packages are returned every Monday. You may keep the CD at home until June.  Other items that you can keep are the number cards as well as the alphabet cards. You can cut those out and play different games. (memory, war, go fish)

Our annual Terry Fox run is this Friday September 30th. Students are encouraged to wear read and white for this event. Everyone is welcome to join us. I do need 4 volunteers to join us on our adventure around the community. Please let me know as soon as possible if you can join us.
The students have also been asked to bring any pictures of loved ones who may have had cancer or has cancer. These pictures will be displayed in the lobby. Remember to write your name on the back so that it may be returned to you.

In the next couple of weeks the students will be crafting for Thanksgiving and Halloween. If you could send in toilet paper rolls as you get them that would be great. They will also need a mason jar. Small is preferred but medium will work also.

Please be sure to check out the Harvest moon Gala page. Our class theme this year is "Calgary's Family". Here is the link to sign up to donate items.
Our goal is to be the first grade one class to complete their basket! If you have any items you may send them in with your child, we have a collection box in our room.

In Science, we are starting to look at mixing different colors to make new ones. We will also look at what happens if we add white or black paint to other colors. On Thursday September 29th students are asked to wear their favorite color. You can start to prepare your child for our next experiment which is to determine what colors/objects are transparent or opaque.

In Math, we continue to work on patterning. Students have been encouraged to add various elements to one pattern. For example colors, size, shapes all in one pattern. We are looking around our surroundings to see if we can find any more patterns. So far we have looked at quilts and will look at the animal prints. We are also counting up to 10 and are grouping items or objects for each number.

In Social studies we are learning about  our identity and the importance of our first name and the origins of our last name. In the next couple of days a sheet will be sent home for you to fill out. The students will present this information to their classmates.

In Health, we are starting to learn about proper hand washing. The students will learn each step to washing their hands and the appropriate times when they should do so. We will have a guest speaker at the end of October to help reinforce all that we have learned.

In English, we continue to review letter sounds. Students should review the sounds that each vowel makes. It is important to review English sight words on a regular basis. Here is a link to the Jolly phonics songs we are learning in class as well as the sign language alphabet to help them practice their sounds. Sign Language Jolly Phonics

Day 1,3,4 Students have gym
Day 5 Library
Day 4-Activite en communaute
Day 2-6- Music

That's all for this week.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Cant wait to meet you all!

We made it through our first week of school! I hope everyone is adjusting well and getting into a good routine. The students are starting to get more comfortable and we continue to review classroom rules and routines.

This months theme in French is back to school. Students will learn the names for school supplies and will start to be able to use these new words in sentences. We are looking a letter sounds of the alphabet and have talked about the differences between vowels and consonants. In French, I like to use the Jolly Phonics hand gestures for each letter sound.

In Science, students are starting to learn about colors and will have the opportunity to blend different paint colors together to form others. They will learn that there are dark and light colors as well as colors that can be transparent or opaque.

In Math, students are reviewing number 0-10 in French as well as working on printing numbers correctly. We are also having fun with patterns.

In English, students are learning letter sounds with the aid of sign language. So far we have learned letters A,B,C,D. They are eager to learn all the letters so that they can properly spell their names!

Don't forget to sign up for meet the teacher. You can do so online. Meet the teacher will be on Wednesday from 4:30-7:00, Thursday 4:30-7:00 and Friday morning 8:30-11:30. Please note that these meet and greets are in 10 minute blocks. There will be no classes for students on Friday due to parent teachers. Please have your questionnaires prior to the meet and greet.

Library will be starting this week. It will always be on Day 5 after lunch. Students will rotate between French and English books. I will let you know when they need to be returned in the agenda.

Terry Fox information sheets went home Monday. Our annual walk/run will be on September 30, 2016. You are welcome to join us. Our class will be needing at least 4 volunteers that day to walk around the community. Please let me know if you are available to join us. The permission slips were included in the information sheet that was sent home today.

Please have all scholastic orders passed in for Wednesday September 14th, 2016.
We will be walking to Mass on Wednesday. If you could have a chat to your child about church expectations and sidewalk safety that would be great. They will hear it again from me the morning of as well.

That's all for now. Have a great rest of the week.
Hope to see you all in the next couple of days.

Laurie Anne

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Welcome to Grade one!

Hi Everyone,
Bienvenue en premiere annee! I am so happy to have your child this year in my class. We are off to a great start. Everyone seems eager to learn and so far no one has asked me when it is time to go home yet! We are still getting to know each other and are working on developing class routine and rules. We have 21 students in grade one this year, 11 boys and 10 girls.

I have had the pleasure of teaching some of your children before so you know how I roll...for those of you who do not know me here is a little snippet of who will be teaching your child this year. This is my 5th year at Holy Name and my 6th year teaching grade one! I am proudly from PEI and go home every chance I get. Before moving to Calgary I taught on the island for two years at the same school I went to as a child. I got married last summer to my husband Mike, which I am sure you will meet or hear about. I absolutely love teaching this age group! Everyday is a new adventure and the progress you see over the course of the year is amazing. I like to think of us as a team and we need to support each other. If you ever need anything or have any questions do not hesitate to contact me. You can do so through email or by calling the school.

I use this blog rather than eboard. You can find the link to it on eboard though which is on the school website. I usually email you informing you that there is a new post. I try to post an update ever  Monday to keep you informed on what's going on in class and what is happening at school for the week. I hope you read it every week as there is a lot of information, suggestions and games that you might want to try out at home to help your child progress through out the school also takes me a long time to sit down and write! I am usually really good at keeping it up dated but then will have my moments, stay on me!

At the beginning of each month I also like to give you the run down on what your child will be learning that month in most subjects. I will post that next week. On the blog you will find weekly sight words in both English and French, sounds of the week, French sentences and expressions we are working on. Please take the time to review with your child. There is also a list of French websites you can explore with your child and play games. is a great website to watch French cartoons, to help your child develop listening skills in French. They also have games to play.

 I hope that your child is adjusting well to the new routine. I know some of them must have seemed a little tired when they got home, seeing that they are not use to a full day of school. You will notice them adjusting a little better in the coming months. It is important that they get their rest, because it can be tiring learning a new language.
A few reminders for the week:
-Please pass in the information package that was sent home last week.
-Welcome back gathering is on Thursday after school- Please introduce yourself!

That's all for this week. Have a great week everyone.
Laurie Anne :)

Monday, May 16, 2016

Happy May long!

Happy short two weeks everyone! Just a reminder we have no school on Friday May 20th, the teachers have a PD day and Monday we have off too! Have fun where ever your travels will take you.
Tuesday May 17th we are off to Butterfield Acres. Please dress your child for the weather. Apply sunscreen at home, bring a hat if needed. I am also going to ask that you pack your child a through away lunch (paper bag...) This is easier for everyone seeing that the kids don't have to take their lunch bags along with them. I will have a box to put everything in but the students are responsible for their things. I suggest rubber boots because we do go for a walk in the woods and in and out of pens. Your child can also bring along 25 cents to feed the animals. This is a huge hit! We are there all day and will be returning to school around 2:00.
On Wednesday, if your child signed up for the talent show they will be auditioning at lunch time in the gym. We also have special lunch that day.
If your child has been asked to present a French poem, please make sure they are ready to present it on Thursday the 19th. We will be getting all grade 1's together to present.
Our class also has morning prayers next week. I will be asking for some volunteers, please help them practice for the following week.
I think that's it for now. Have a great week!

Monday, May 9, 2016


Happy Monday everyone,
I hope you had a great week end. This morning we had a fabulous presentation put on my the Muli family choir all the way from Kenya. It was great to hear them sing, show off their karate skills not to mention their acrobatics. They will be playing a concert this Friday at St. Mike's church. Entry is a donation of your choice. I hope to go. We also had Constable Hartman come in and talk to us about using our tools to help solve our problems.

Wednesday is also our Marion literacy. It is starting at 2:00. If you can make it we would love to see you. Mom's please be sure to come out so we can celebrate you!

Thursday the 12th Mme Jacqueline and Mme Katarina's class will be putting on a movie night to raise money for their entrepreneurial project. You can still purchase tickets. Tickets are $ 5.00. Doors open around 6:00, movie starts at 6:30. You can purchase snacks there. All proceeds go to WWF.
Please be sure to send in the two permission forms (Butterfield Acres, French Play St. Rose) if you have not done so yet.
I hope the ice cream reading challenge is going well! We only have a couple of students who are still waiting to read their English sight words and French sentences. Keep working on them at home!

In Math, we have finished up shapes and are now working on measurement. This is another quick unit but the kids love learning all about it.

I hope to finish up building things in science this week and moving onto plants and animals.
In Social studies, we continue to learn about the province we live in, surrounding areas as well as the provinces and territories that Canada is made up of. We are having a little trouble understanding the different between province and country. Feel free to explain !
In English, we are working on putting sentences together and building on ideas to make a short story. We continue to review blends, vowel combinations and sight words.

I think that's it for this week. Have a good one.
Keep smiling!

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

May already!

Well I cant believe we are in the month of May. I am not ready to send these little ones off to grade 2 in just two months. I am however ready for summer breezes and resting on the beach next to the ocean! But that can wait.

We are finishing up our farm animals unit and will be moving onto plants and animals. The students will be starting to learn more complex French sounds and review past sounds. We will continue to work on our French stories. We will focus on correct punctuation, does the sentence make sense and have we tried to include beginning, middle and end in our stories.

Today was also the first day of Ice cream reading challenge. The reading packages will come home tomorrow, but anytime you read you can fill in a square for your child. A lot of the students have already earned their bowl and spoon. If you child has not earned the bowl or spoon yet please help them practice their English sight words and French sentences at home. There is a chart on the wall and they love putting the stickers up to show they have succeeded.

I hope to finish up the Shapes unit in math this week and move onto measurement. Both of these units are quick. We then will get back to our favorite friends addition and subtraction up to 20. You can help them out by practicing at home.

We are off to 4 cats art studio tomorrow. we will be painting soo keep that in mind for tomorrows outfit. On Monday the 9th we have constable Hartman coming in to chat with the students.
He will be giving them strategies on how to solve their problems and how to calm themselves when they are feeling stressed or anxious.

Wednesday is Hats on Day at Holy Name. Students can wear their hats by donating $2.00 to the mental health foundation. Wednesday is also library day and special lunch.
I think that is all for this week.
Laurie Anne Social Studies game to identify parts of Canada.
 Another game to play about Canada
Canadian Provinces and Territories, plus additional information

Monday, April 11, 2016

Full week!

Happy Monday everyone!
We have a busy little week this week. I will get all the important info out of the way... Year book orders are due April 13th. I believe you can order them online, look at the schools webpage for more information. Jump rope for heart pledges are due Tuesday. Please be sure to send in any forms and donations. Scholastic book orders are also due back on Tuesday April 12. Friday the school we be having another sandwich day. We got third place last time! Bravo to you in helping support a good cause! If you are able to send in sandwich please do so. We are looking good for parent volunteers on Friday April 15th for Scientist in the classroom. We are still in need of newspapers, if you see a metro bin grab a couple lol and send them in!

The students are so interested in learning about life on the farm. We have started our farm animal books where they get to chose 5 animals of their choice. They are to include male, female, babies and where the animals live. Once finished, they will share them with their friends. We have also started our free writing in class. Students are becoming their own authors and illustrators of their own books. They are so into this that you can hear a pin drop. I teach them how to put their ideas together, pay attention to punctuation, penmanship and spelling. It is also a great way for them to work on beginning, middle and end of stories.

This week in Math we will start geometry. The students note different characteristics of shapes and start to classify them based on these. We will continue to skip count by 2, 5 and 10's. Please keep working on simple addition and subtraction at home. You can also start to point out 2D and 3D shapes, to better prepare them for what they are about to learn.

Science this week the students are learning about building materials and why we use certain materials for certain objects or buildings. They will also have the opportunity to build towers using different objects in class.

In social studies, the students will have a quiz to finish up the last unit and we will start to learn about out beautiful country and the provinces that it is made up of. If you have the chance you could chat about the different provinces you have visited, what you saw there and where would you like to go and why. Naming the provinces in French will also be a benefit to them.

In English, we continue to look at vowel combinations, consonant blends and word families. You will notice that some students will come home with Explore the code 1. They should be done of this by now. Can you please help them catch up? We have already started another work book, so I don't want them falling behind in that as well.

We have started an in class reading challenge. I signed up in September for the Calgary Flames reading challenge and it finally arrived. The students will be rewarded with hockey cards during silent reading time. They must read quietly, read the whole time, and find a quiet place to read. Often times we can get distracted by sitting close to our friends. The boys are pumped.....the girls not so much. We will also do an at home reading challenge in May and June that the grade one class puts on every year. The ice cream reading challenge is a hit but it does take some effort on your part. I will send home the information in the next couple of weeks.

That's it for now. Have a great week and chat soon.

Volunteers needed for ....
May 17th- All day butterfield Acres
May 27th 8:45-12:15 ( French Play)
Library day- Friday April 15th

Monday, April 4, 2016

Welcome back!

Hi everyone,
Welcome back from March break. I hope wherever you were, you were able to spend some quality time with your family. I headed back east to see my dad and all my friends. The weather however was not in my favor so visiting was a little tricky! I am glad to be back though!

We are all back, refreshed and ready to keep learning. This is one of my favorite themes this month in French. The students will be learning about life on the farm. They will learn all the proper names for the animals. In French, the babies, mothers and fathers all have different names. For example the horse family, (femelle) the mom is une jument, (male) the dad is un cheval and the baby is un poulain. I will send home a sheet with all the names to help your child practice. We will also start to write our own stories in class, which the students love. We will take a closer look at syllables, singular and plural words as well as proper punctuation.

In Math, we continue to look at numbers 1-100 and skip counting by 2,5 and 10. We will finish hopefully by next week and start to look at geometry. The students will be looking at 2d and 3d shapes. I will try and tie this in with our Science unit on building.

In health, we will be wrapping up the 4 food groups and starting to learn about our emotions both positive and negative.

We will be finishing up the 4 seasons in science and be moving onto building. Its a very short unit but the students love it. We will look at the different building materials that can be used. If possible could you send in your old egg cartons for a future project.

Our class will be needing 5 volunteers on April 15th for an in class fieldtrip in the afternoon (12:45 start). We do need newspaper for the activity that day so could you please save your newspapers and send it in. Also just a heads up, we have another fieldtrip on May 17th at Butterfield acres. It will be all day. I am looking for 6 parents to join us all day at the farm.

Wednesday April 6th, is student faith day. There will be activities in the morning and in the afternoon for the students. Wednesday is also special lunch.
Library will be on Thursday April 7th. Please be sure to send in your child's book.

I think that's it for now. Keep reading at home and practicing the sight words. I am so proud of all their efforts and yours! Have a great week.
Laurie Anne

Monday, February 22, 2016

100 days of school!

Can you believe it this week we will have been in school for 100 days! The kids are super excited for the 100th day tomorrow. I cant wait to see them dressed in their 100 day t-shirts! In the morning we have some parent volunteers here to do a surprise activity with the students! I don't even know what they have planned!
This week is a full week with something happening everyday. Tuesday along with the 100th day there is the Christian action assembly at 10:30. Wednesday is Pink shirt day to promote awareness against bullying. Mme Wilma the musician in residence will also be here and teachers pet will be here to teach us all about country and city living. Choir for grade 1 will be Tuesday and Thursday. Library this week is Wednesday also. Friday the students will be observing the Geographie finals put on every year by M.Iticka.
In class, we have been catching up and finishing work. I have sent home the black and red duo-tangs with most of the kids to work on and catch up or finish if possible. Don't fret we are all a little behind, hence why I sent them home. Thanks for helping us out by working on them. Once finished you can send them in to be corrected. Just a friendly reminder that if you child is working on their school work at home, please have them do so in pencil, not pen.
I don't have much this week. Keep reading, practicing sight words and work on counting by 5's in French up to 100. Have a great week everyone.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Rested and full of new ideas!

Hi everyone,
Welcome back from a long break! I hope you all had a great time with the family and got to enjoy the weather. I had a great two days at convention and learned a lot. I went to a couple of workshops on Math as well as literacy. I bought some cool games to add to our centers in class and some new stickers! I will share some of the information I think you may find helpful.

** I attend two sessions on literacy. One on how to help parents at home with reading as well as immersive literacy for kids. I got a lot of great resources for all of you to try at home or explore when you have time. A couple of points Id like to share with you that the presenter said to get you thinking. 1) Reading levels and listening levels are not the same. Often children may not be able to read but if they are read to daily then are just as able to understand, make connections and comprehend the text.
2)If your child struggles to read or hasn't the desire yet, try wordless picture books and have them tell the story based on the pictures.
3) Dad you have to put in some reading time either with the kids or at least have them see you read. This is especially important for the boys to see.
4) There's no app to replace your lap.

I game was mentioned also to try at home which I love!! They said let your child flash lite read maybe once a week, get under the covers with a book and flash light and read. What kid wouldn't love that! You could also do something like this with their sight words on the ceiling. Have them shine the flashlight on each word and read!

Here is also a list of websites they game us that may help you at home with reading. This presentation had a lot of great ideas but didn't have many for French....which is probably what most of you would love to have! If I find anything similar ill send it your way. **Free tutor**

Before I forget out class will have our long over due pizza party from way back in October when we won the gala basket contest. We will be having it this Thursday the 18th at noon. No need to pack a lunch! YAY! However if you child does not dig pizza please pack them a lunch.

The 100th day of school is next week, Feb 23. Students are asked to sport a 100 day t-shirt if possible. I have done this in the past and the students love it. It takes a little work on your part, seeing that they have to glue, stick or paste 100 items on a t-shirt. Its a great counting activity! Pinterest has some great ideas and examples if you are stuck. I will include the link to help you out.

Thursday Feb 24 we will have an in class fieldtrip. Teachers pet will be coming in to teach us all about urban and rural living. We still need 1 parent volunteer for 1 o'clock. If you are available please let me know as soon as possible. Thanks.

This Friday we as a school are collecting lotion for the drop in center. We usually do Sandwiches but we learned also last year there are a lot of items on their wish list that are harder to fill sometimes. If you are interested in helping out feel free.

That's it for this short week!

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

February is upon us!

Hi everyone,
Sorry for the overdue post! This week is full of excitement at school seeing that carnival is starting on Wednesday. Opening ceremonies start at 9am with the crowning of the King and Queen. This is awarded to the students who speaking the most French in class. Your child can be nominated by friends in their class by simply speaking French as much as possible.
It works out great because we have just started our French speaking incentive chart in class today. Students receive a sticker to put on their chart every time they are caught speaking French with a friend or by making an effort to speak French with Madame and other teachers. After they fill their chart they get a prize from the prize box and start all over again. They are super excited and wow already they are making an effort and encouraging each other.
Through out the week students will be participating in activities related to carnival. Thursday they get to sample "le tire d'erable" which is always yummy....and a bit messy lol. On Friday we will have our outdoor activities for the whole day. Please dress your child for the weather.
With a new month comes another new adventure in learning for our students. The month February they are going to be learning about friendships, all about the rooms in the house and the items that can be found. We are also going to take a closer look at syllables, singular and plural words. This week we are trying to finish up a few last items on clothing. The students will have a quiz to associate items of clothing to their proper name and be required to write a sentence using an article of clothing. To receive bonus points they can add colors to their sentences.
Tomorrow we will celebrate groundhogs day and hope for an early spring! There French sound this week is hard and soft "Gg" the same as English.

In Math, we continue to learn about addition and have started to learn more about subtraction. The students do need to work on identifying numbers higher than 50 in French. Please practice at home if you have a few minutes. We have also started to count by 5's up to 100. They are starting to get the hang of it but more practice is needed.

Here is a video you can use to help the students practice counting by 10's and 5's in French. (by 10's) (by 5's) (Not in love with this video but its what the students need to know how to do by the end of grade 1)

In Social studies, we have started one of my favorite units! The students will be learning the differences between country living (Rurale/campagne) and city living (Urbaine/ville). We have a great time chatting about the differences and similarities. We will talk about what we hear, see, do in each.

We have finished up our science unit on our 5 sens and have one more quiz left before we start our new unit on building things. This unit students will experiment with different building materials and will use their imaginations to come up with new designs.

This is a heads up on next months theme for all of you. We will learn about method sof transportation and traditions. Every year I ask my parents to ask their friends and family from around the world to send a post card to the class. On the post card they can include traditions, food, languages spoken, common methods of travel or anything neat. Once we get the post cards we read them,look the area up on the map, chat about how we could get there from Calgary and so on. So please help us this year by recruiting your friends and family! They can send their post cards to the following address:
La classe de Mme Laurie Anne
Holy Name school
3011 35 street, SW
Calgary, Alberta
T3E 2Y7

Here is a class list of all the students name in my class just in case you need them for you valentines next weeks valentines. We will celebrate Valentine's on Tuesday due to Ash Wednesday. Tuesday next week is also Shrove Tuesday.

Boys                                                       Girls                            
Brio         Thomas                        Evalina      Sofia
Mirek       Mitchell                       Claire         Jessica
Toby        Zenon                           Hannah      Anna
William    Alex                             Gianna       Colette
Declan      Dallan                          Mallory      Ailee
Percy        Matthew                       Amelia

I am looking for 3 volunteers for Feb 24th at 1pm. Teachers pet is coming in to do an in class field trip with the students. If you are available and interested please let me know.
I think that is it for the week.....
Laurie Anne

If you have time and want to check out some games to play at home with your child check out the links below.
Let me know if they work.

Monday, January 11, 2016

HI Everyone,
Hope you all had a great week end! Another calm week at school....which is soo nice to have for a change. We do have our New Year Liturgy this Friday at 2pm. Our class is doing it along with Mme Janice's class. You are all welcome to join us. We are going to sing a song called "Growing in Fath, Growing in Christ" I will send it home today to practice.
Scholastics are due this week also. I believe I put the 14th on the list. If you could send them in by Friday that would be great.
We also have our Smothie party on Thursday Jan 14. Thanks for sending in all your order forms.
Choir is Tuesday and Thursday of this week at little recess. Library day is Thursday as well.
Friday is Sandwich day for the drop in. If you wish to participate send in pre-made sandwhichs any kinds Friday morning.
In class, I have started my reading evaluations, they are coming along well. I have also started to quiz the students on their sight words. Please keep practicing at home! I will go over the English words probably next week.
The 100th day of school is coming up in the next couple of weeks. Just wondering if anyone is interested in coming in on that day and doing an activity of your choice? Last year I have a parent make 100 day cookie and brought a couple of games to play. If you are up for it let me know.
I don't have much this week.
Enjoy the week everyone.

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

Happy New Year! Bonne annee!

Welcome back everyone to a new year. I hope that your holidays were filled with the magic of Christmas and your friends and family filled your homes with laughter and love! I had a fabulous time at home in PEI with my dad and all my friends. It was hard to come back to the rush of Calgary but I was glad to get back to the kids! I missed them!
This is a slow and quiet week at school! We will review our class rules, seeing that sometimes having a two week break makes us forget how things run. In French, we will review all sound combinations that we learned before the break and will go over our sight words. Please review these with your child. I will start asking them again to read their sight words for me. If they need motivation remind them that they can get a prize after reading 5 weeks worth of words correctly! We have started our weekly messages in class. This is great practice for the students to learn sentence structures, new words, punction and how to answer questions about the text. Less English will be spoken in class and students will be expected to express themselves as best they can by using the words they know in French. This months theme in Staying warm and active in winter. Students will learn the proper vocabulary for clothing and winter activities and sports. When learning clothing the students will also review parts of the body. We will also be learning more about syllables and how to put a proper sentence together with correct punctuation.
In Math, students have started their addition and subtraction unit. They will be playing with blocks to find all the different number combinations for numbers up to 20. We have also briefly talked about how to identify if a problem is addition or subtraction by looking for key words. Feel free to practice and review these words/concepts in English.
In Science, I hope to finish up the 5 senses unit next week and then move onto building. Students will be required to write a quiz to identify what sense is being used in the pictures.
In Social Studies, the students are learning about their rights and responsibilities. We have had a quick chat about what they are at home, school and our community.
In Health, the students will be starting to learn about the 4 food groups and the Canadian food guide. We will talk about why it is important to eat from each group and so on.
In English, students will be review all sight words since the beginning of the year. We will also start to learn about blends and word families.
That's a quick run down on what to expect this month in class. I hope you are starting to see progress with your childs reading at home and word recognition. If you need anything at all just let me know.
Have a great week!

PS I don't know if I mentioned how many turkeys we got this year seeing that Friday was soo busy! The students raised just over $1300.00 and were able to buy 112 turkeys. That is the biggest number yet. Thank you all who helped out, donated and encouraged your children. Last year the Drop In was able to feed their clients 3 separate times with our donation of 74 turkeys I can only hope that 112 gets them a couple of more great meals! Thanks again:)